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Friday, July 28, 2017

Ocean Pines Association Board President Steps Down From Post; ‘Too Frustrating To Continue In That Role’

OCEAN PINES – The president of the Ocean Pines Association’s board of directors abruptly resigned from the position this week.

The association announced late Wednesday afternoon that Tom Herrick, the board’s president, had resigned from the position and that Dave Stevens, the board’s vice president, would take on the role.

In an interview Thursday morning, Herrick said the “havoc and turmoil” created by other directors prompted his resignation.

“To be perfectly frank, it’s fair for the members to know, that it’s specifically related to the conduct displayed by two sitting directors,” Herrick said. “Being president I was forced to deal with this conduct on a daily basis … It became too frustrating to continue in that role.”

Herrick, a retired New York State Police officer, was elected to serve on the board in 2015. He became president of the board in 2016.



  1. For a retired State Police officer having to retire from that position it doesn't say much for Ocean Pines they should really apologize and learn how to behave. I respect you for your effort it is they're loss.

  2. Years ago I served on A Worcester County government board that had dealings with Ocean Pines. I can confidently state that there is no greater bunch of disorganized whiners and complainers than the residents of Ocean Pines.

  3. Something isn't right here with a retired
    policeman having to leave his position.

    Somebody should start digging!!!!

    1. Why because retired policemen are invincible?

  4. It's a sad state of affairs. They fire a good gm because he's profitable and not part of the good ole boy network. Then give the gm job to a board member who is. Constant infighting and power plays by him and over half the board. Firing of dedicated employees who won't play ball. Etc.. All the while spending tons on a new yacht club dud and hemorrhaging vast amounts of money in other areas. Ahh politics at work. I'm voting for Dr. Horn, Miss Crosariol or Mr. Parks. Any one of those are looking for civility and not a back channel, spendspendspend attitude

  5. The O.P. Board of Directors sounds dysfunctional like the Salisbury City Council.

  6. He would have only been in the position for about 2 more weeks until the board election. Says a lot about him. Quitter comes to mind.

  7. He's still on the Board, Just doesn't want to be labeled the one who was in charge during what is likely the most dysfunctional and embarrassing Board in the history of ocean pines.

    The two

  8. Almost as bad as the people that move to retirement communities in FL and sit around thinking of rules to make up and enforce because they have nothing better to do.

  9. Too many old people to deal with.

  10. This is not a job for a Government retiree. The person that fills this positing actually has to work, not eat donuts.

  11. Screw Ocean Pines and all the come-heres that inhabit that place.

  12. Herrick, a retired New York State Police officer, was elected to serve on the board in 2015. He became president of the board in 2016.

    That's part of the problem right there.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Screw Ocean Pines and all the come-heres that inhabit that place.

    July 28, 2017 at 7:53 PM

    And that's the other part.

  13. 5:18 walk in his shoes than make your assessment.

  14. Serving on the board of an HOA is a thankless job.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Too many old people to deal with.

    July 28, 2017 at 5:31 PM

    Versus younger people with little to none experience?

    There used to be a saying back in the day that went: trust no one over 30yoa.

    Now it seems like: trust no one UNDER 30yoa.

    And I would venture to go even further with trust no one under 40.

    May the Lord help us when this young generation comes into power and "leads" this great country. I hope I am dead and gone before that happens.

    I can just see them walking in the hallowed halls of Congress with their ear buds in, walking with their jogging pants on and feet in their sandals.

    Loving and "being tolerant" of any thing crossing our borders with their hands out.

    This "prophet" predicts gloom and doom such as hasn't been seen or heard since Sodom and Gomorrah.

    But hey, we are all just people, right? Everything will be rainbows and warm, gentle breezes in our new world.


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