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Monday, July 31, 2017

Murders Up 82% In Salisbury Maryland

Let's all take note that the 82% number is through the end of June. That doesn't take into account the last 2 murders in the past 24 hours, (or for the month of July). 

Let's also take note that Rape is also up 44%. It's time for some real, honest and mature leadership in Salisbury.


  1. What category do the shootings that don't result in a homicide fall into? We've had several of them lately and I feel that they should fall into their own category of some sort. In this stat sheet, it probably falls under aggravated assault, which I do not feel is reflective of the actual crime. That would be like saying little Timmy getting beat up on the playground is the same as little Timmy getting shot in the street.

  2. How are rapes and murders prevented?

  3. I don't think these stats are right, if we go by the boy mayor's logic,these numbers should be 0 across the board ,because according to him their is no such thing as crime in Salisbury.

  4. And SPD FB page is posting their glorious capture of a single shoplifter. Way to go......not.

  5. @9:13
    Concealed carry is a very good option if we could get Hogan to fix that.

  6. Front page of the Daily Slime features a dog rescue article. You have to go to page 5 to read about a murder in Salisbury. The back burner reporting of crime in the city is a joke. Of course we all know who tells them when and where to print. It's a shame they won't grow a pair and and do good and honest reporting.

  7. How does local government prevent rapes and murders?

  8. Didn't Day said say somewhere to look to the SPD statistics for the true story about crime. Well it is out the roof. Wonder how he is going to spin this one or is he just going to ignore. Someone said it beautifully when they said it doesn't matter to him because it's black on black which is the truth. He like other democrats think of blacks as second class citizens and disposable people. You best believe if it were a white college kid killed by a black he would be out there front and center, mad as hell vowing to do something.

  9. 9:51 There is nothing Hogan can do this term. It will never pass and he would never get elected to a second term.

  10. 9:54 AM catch the criminal.

  11. Time for Jake to go. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO JAKE

  12. 9:13 concealed carry and keep the thugs in jail instead of letting them out on little to no time served.

  13. Day is a clown. We elected a White Obama.

  14. Anonymous said...
    And SPD FB page is posting their glorious capture of a single shoplifter. Way to go......not.

    July 31, 2017 at 9:41 AM

    Shoplifting isn't the crime that I am concerned with. That is why we have idiots like Manure Boata for at Walmart. That is his job. Or it was his job. I saw him yesterday sporting a white polo shirt with Walmart on it. He was so proud.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Front page of the Daily Slime features a dog rescue article. You have to go to page 5 to read about a murder in Salisbury. The back burner reporting of crime in the city is a joke. Of course we all know who tells them when and where to print. It's a shame they won't grow a pair and and do good and honest reporting.

    July 31, 2017 at 9:52 AM

    That's because their mission is to protect the Democrat Mare and his Sal'bury Shitty Council.

    Dinesh D'Souza just said on Fox News when there is a story that is an embarrassment to the Democrat Party the news just ignores it. (He was referring to Debbie Wasserman Shultz and her IT hack that was arrested, but it applies to Jake Day, this city and the Daily Times.)

  16. Joe check this video interview Jake Day did in 2014 Ch. 47 saying that downtown Salisbury has accomplished more in the last 12 months than it has in the last 60 years. (All because he was the new Salisbury City Council President of course.) His big snout is so pronounced in this vid and his jacked up teeth are nasty. What is laughable he through on a special yellow "downtownsalisbury dot whatever" logo t-shirt"

    "Downtown Salisbury Headed For A Bright Future"

    "Published on Aug 19, 2014
    Salisbury, MD - The future of downtown Salisbury looks bright, with more activity than the city has seen in more than half a century!"

    Fake Day said:
    "The most restaurants in decades."
    "More real estate activity than in decades>
    "One retail store open and another on the way in decades."
    NO Jake Day numerous store have opened and closed in decades.
    "We're going to institute permanence here, not sustainability."
    Um, Snowflake Jake what happened to the Eschelon and other places that have closed? That my friend is not permanence!

    And then they interview that ghetto restaurant Eschelon that constantly broke the law and finally is was shut down.

    This guy brags about success, but doesn't give accolades to anyone except himself. It's all about him. He was a city council member then and he was still full of himself. This guy has got to go, he makes me want to puke.



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