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Monday, July 31, 2017

Many Americans are too drugged-out to work

A slew of reports finds a fresh reason for the chronic inability of American companies to fill skilled jobs: not a lack of skills, and hence a training-and-education crisis, but a surfeit of drug abuse. Simply put, prime-working age Americans without a college diploma are often too drugged-out to get the best jobs. Opioids remain at high levels, but the surge in drug use is now heroin and the powerful contaminant fentanyl.

The reports suggest a circularity to the crisis in America's rust and manufacturing belts: the loss of jobs and wage stagnation has led to widespread disaffection, alienation and drug abuse; and drug abuse has led to joblessness, hopelessness and disaffection.

But the numbers are all over the map. Some employers and economists say up to half of job applicants do not clear drug tests; others say it is 25%. Indeed economist Jed Kolko, using data from the U.S. Current Population Survey, found that 5.6% to 5.7% of working-age adults didn't work last year because of illness or disability, an unknown percentage of which were because of drug use.

What was evident, Kolko told Axios: A "clear, steady upward trend in illness/disability as reason for not working among prime-age adults. And even more striking, the level and trend are very similar for men and women, even though most of the attention on this issue is going to men."

But the anecdotal and economic evidence is compelling.

LinkedIn's Chris Cutter found a West Virginia company where "up to half of applicants either fail or refuse to take mandatory pre-employment drug screens." The executive of another company called the drugs epidemic "probably the biggest threat in manufacturing, period."



  1. "...refuse to take mandatory pre-employment drug screens." That could be just as much for privacy as anything else.

    Some people still value their privacy, even if they've got nothing to hide.

  2. We rarely have any mexicans or hispanics that test dirty. They show up and work hard all day - no smoke breaks. Rednecks waste more time smoking than working.

  3. We either need more of it, or less of it.
    I can't decide which it is.

  4. Mowing lawns isn't what we're talking about have those same unskilled Hispanics left to their own devices and left alone and see what you come back to I oversee them all day their no different then anyone else there's good work ethic and there's bad today the bad outweighs the good


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