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Thursday, July 20, 2017

How an Iranian front group infiltrated 41 US universities

An Islamic “charity” recently convicted of acting as a front group for the regime in Iran has financed and installed Iran-friendly professors and curriculums at 44 universities across North America – and 41 of those schools are located in the United States.

In late June, a New York jury ruled that the Alavi Foundation is directly linked to the Iranian regime, allowing the feds to seize the Manhattan building that provided revenue for the organization’s nationwide influence operations. Prosecutors called the conviction the “largest terrorism-related civil forfeiture in United States history.”

Alavi used a multi-pronged approach to embed itself into American society. From financing pro-Tehran Shiite cultural centers and mosques to donating heavily to the infamous Clinton Foundation, the regime-connected outfit sought to win over hearts and minds in its clandestine efforts.

A primary focus of the foundation continues to be installing Iran-friendly professors and curriculums into American universities. Over the past few years, the Alavi Foundation has increased its college and university financing efforts by about 50 percent.

Alavi claims that its goal is simply to “offer courses on Persian language, Iranian studies and the Islamic culture with a focus on Shiite studies.” However, analystscontinue to note that several programs connected to Alavi involve controversial pro-Tehran professors and a morally obtuse curriculum.



  1. here's how: "donating heavily to the infamous Clinton Foundation" - the Party of Liberal Jim!

  2. ya how about the "Persian" gym owner in Salisbury!


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