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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Breaking News: Jeff Sessions said he'd stay on as attorney general

In an interview with The New York Times on Wednesday, Mr. Trump said he never would have appointed Mr. Sessions had he known he would recuse himself from overseeing the investigation into possible ties between Russia and the Trump campaign.


  1. He is a two faced turncoat. Screw him!

  2. One of the things I like about Trump is he says it like it is, He's not a polished politician who uses his words carefully to avoid controversy. Sessions did what he thought was best and I respect him for that. I hope he isn't pushed to step down.

  3. I'm sure Sessions felt pressured by the swamp do recuse himself but should have stood with the president.

  4. Sessions is part of the swamp.

  5. As Comey found out the hard way, Sessions serves at the pleasure of the POTUS. Push envelopes and he'll get the same unceremonious outing Comey enjoyed. People forget crap like that when power-drunk. We'll see what happens. Wouldn't want my boss talking smack like that. Just saying.

  6. RINO! Haha, even Reagan would not be republican for most of you.


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