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Monday, July 31, 2017

FDA Considering Lowering Level Of Nicotine Allowed In Cigarettes To Reduce Addiction

Could your future cigarette purchase come with a little less nicotine? It’s possible, as the FDA revealed today a new multi-year roadmap intended to protect kids and reduce tobacco-related disease and death. 


  1. Ridiculous, this will do nothing but increase sales, consumer will buy twice as many to fulfill craving. Big tobacco in bed with FDA: crazy like a fox!! Boy they just don't care about America's citizens its all about the Benjamins

  2. Brilliant! Smoke more, buy more, pay more taxes.

  3. Take it our completely so nobody gets addicted if that's your true goal.

    But it's not.

  4. Just quit and save $2,000/year.

  5. Turn smokers into chain smokers trying to get their fix. Yeah, brilliant....NOT!

  6. The Gov. let them put more in---
    now they're wanting to take it out?
    Go figure!!


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