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Sunday, July 02, 2017

Dozens of Dems Support Bill to Create Panel That Could Remove Trump From Office

Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin (Md.) has introduced a bill that would create a congressional oversight commission that could declare the president incapacitated, leading to his removal from office under the Constitution's 25th Amendment.

Twenty-four House Democrats are now backing the bill, including the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. John Conyers (D., Mich.), Yahoo News reported Friday.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.), the former chair of the Democratic National Committee, is also co-sponsoring the legislation.

More here


  1. Proud to be from Maryland

  2. Never happen. VP Pence would have to endorse this for it to be completed.

  3. They would rather waste time doing this than working for the tax payer.

  4. Where did that dirtball come from?

  5. They have repeatedly shown that they are sore LOSERS & do not have the country's best interests in mind, only theirs!! "Let's spend more time disrespecting the office & the man holding that position instead of getting things done that benefit OUR country" is the mantra of the freakin' democrats!

  6. Let's support a bill to create a panel to remove the existence of all the neglect the last dude did in our White House for eight miserable years. Remove all the damage he did and caused to this great nation. Also, afterwards when the mess is cleaned up, remove his protection, retirement, and everything he stole. I don't care if he is imprisoned or has to be gainfully employed, so long as he is of of the taxpayers dole.

  7. If they want a civil war BRING IT.

  8. Sore losers? Thats what you people think this is? a game? Wake up for petes sake...these are the most corrupt, most crooked in all the nation...heck...in the entire world!! These crooks are out to destroy this country and at the very least rob the majority of their liberty and democracy, their vote.

  9. And dems wonder why there going to get F up.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Proud to be from Maryland

    July 1, 2017 at 10:06 AM

    Said the stupid moronic Democrat! Most of us are embarrassed to be from Maryland.

  11. Blogger Carolyn Taylor said...
    He doesn't even look bright!!

    July 1, 2017 at 11:20 AM

    He looks like the Bernie Sanders type with a mental illness.

  12. Jamie Raskin looks like he has a mental illness and we should form a committee to remove his ass for not doing what we are paying him to do.

  13. This is what the democrats have to work with. When these people campaign they promise to work for their constituents and listen to their wishes. Truly, how many democrats voted these idiots in to office only to have them waste time and money on such a foolish and irresponsible bill. Why isn't this bozo working on making Baltimore a safe, thriving, and constructive community? You know, they just plain and simple have no plan or agenda that is meaningful. How can anyone take them seriously? I get Wasserman Schultz co-sponsoring the bill; she is a bitter sour grapes dolt who is pissed about losing the chair of the DNC for getting caught disparaging Bernie Sanders. But this makes my point.

  14. Republicans are the salt of the earth. We will make all the snowflakes melt away.

  15. Jamie Raskin, you are disqrace to your office and more so to the fine people of Maryland. I hope you lose the very next time you chose to run for public office.
    You are a BOIL on the A@@ of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton !!

  16. Whats with Maryland attracting so many mindless, liberal, moronic democrats?

  17. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 1, 2017 at 4:26 PM

    How about We the People create "a panel" to force to resign any Socialist Democ-rats from the job in which they're obligated to represent citizens of Maryland, not their own party crooked agendas, while spending Maryland Taxpayers Money! It's time to Drain the Annapolis Swamp!

  18. "
    Whats with Maryland attracting so many mindless, liberal, moronic democrats?"

    We are right next to D.C. and the stupidity there has to overflow somewhere.

  19. Wasserman-Shultz wants to judge if Trump is 'incapacitated?' what a riot!!

  20. Raskin does NOT speak for the Eastern Shore of MD!

  21. What about Russia collision?? Fake


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