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Monday, July 31, 2017

Death Investigation Ongoing in Ocean City Victim Identified

OCEAN CITY, MD – (July 31, 2017): Ocean City police are continuing to investigate a death at 2nd Street and the beach. Officers arrived in the area of 2nd Street at approximately 6:30 a.m. on Monday, July 31, after learning of a body on the beach in the sand.

The preliminary investigation has revealed that victim is identified as Ashley O’Connor, 30, of Plano, Texas. The Ocean City Police Forensics Services Unit has recovered the body from the sand with assistance from Maryland State Police crime scene technicians. The body was removed at approximately 4:15 p.m. and will be evaluated by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner who will determine a cause and manner of death.

The investigation is ongoing at this time. Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.


  1. Ocean City...your family destination vacation.

  2. God Bless the family left behind!!!!

  3. discovered at 630 am and removed at 415 pm? thats quite a stretch, insnt it?

  4. It sure ins 8:04!

  5. 804 I imagine the sand complicates the collection of evidence

  6. I know this is a stretch but I did get word from a very reliable source that this woman fell asleep on the beach and was run over by the equipment.

    While it may be a stretch, that is the very first thing I thought of when I got word on this early this morning.

    So it is a possibility but as I said, it could be a stretch and has NOT been verified by ANYONE.

    So sad any way you look at it.

    1. I would venture to guess that information is more than likely incorrect. I did beach combing for five years in OC. The tractors are very well lit. You can see small parcels of garbage in front of you. And the equipment would not bury a body with the exception of a single arm, in a single pass.

    2. It may be true... or just gossip. My son was down there today and was told someone was run over by a tractor. I'm pguessing after an autopsy we will know the truth. RIP, and praying for her family and friends no matter the cause.

  7. She got separated from her oarents at 2am. Found with an arm sticking out of tje sand afyer 6am. Foul ay or would a tractor driver really not notice dragging a body? Either way it's a sad day for her family.

  8. Joe,that was my analysis of it also since she was from out of state and didn't know about the nighttime equipment.

  9. She was in a "hole" that was 3-4 feet deep. OC police report the death "appears" to be "accidental." Really? Sounds more like OC is trying to downplay a murder on the beach to avoid the Aruba-like bad publicity that ruined tourism for the Island. Now they have to really pull some strings to get the coroner at Baltimore to go along with their deception. A beach sweeper would have collected her, not buried her in a hole. Foul play should definitely be considered. But OC officials say accidental, and are now scrambling to get someone, anyone, to back them up. How in the heck does someone die and get buried on the beach accidentally???? Reminds me of the days, long ago in the south, where blacks were found hanging from trees, with their hands tied behind their backs, and local authorities ruling the deaths a suicide.


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