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Monday, July 31, 2017

20-Time Deportee Moves to Sanctuary City, Allegedly Rapes 65-Year-Old Woman

A Mexican national, deported by immigration authorities 20 times, moved to a sanctuary city and allegedly raped a 65-year-old woman.

Police officers in the sanctuary city of Portland arrested Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, after he allegedly broke into the home of a 65-year-old woman, tied her up, held her at knifepoint and raped her, KOIN CBS6 reported. Court records revealed Martinez has a long criminal history that includes burglary, battery, and multiple deportations.

“Defendant has entry/removal from [the] United States to/from Mexico 20 times with at least [five] probation violations from re-entry,” the local CBS affiliate reported from court documents filed in March 2017.

Following his alleged attack on the 65-year-old woman in her home where she gave him her Prius to get him to leave, police responded to a call about a man attacking a woman in the basement of a parking garage below a building. There, police discovered Martinez allegedly sexually assaulting another woman and holding her at knifepoint.

More here


  1. This immigration deportee should live with Hillary, Pelosi, and all the ones that think they have had a handle on things, that they know better, do as they say not as they live types. Imagine the nightmare this woman has lived through still thing there should be no wall, no rules, no justice.

  2. A ditch would be the best place for this excrement

  3. Maybe if he is given a few more chances, he will become a productive and safe citizen of our pathetic Country?

  4. I find it ironic that if I shot and just wounded this evil person, I would be in jail. As a women, I am offended that this city sees fit to aide and abet this criminal and let him get away with rape and all his other offenses. Animals that cause harm to others should be euthanized, not deported again and again.


  5. Your "leaders" don't give a rat's ace about you or anyone you know. They grandstand, then vote for MORE funding of this or that "immigrant relief program".
    NONE of them (except your guy, of course) have a desire to do the job "we, the people" elected them (and are PAYING them) to do.
    You think TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS in bad checks (and it is FAR from over) was an accident??
    I suppose it was your guy standing alone against the horde, huh?
    Quit dreaming. Buy rope. And ammo.
    And......keep cheering.

  6. Does any body here know what our local government's stand on sanctuary illegal immigrants is. It's time for Mayor Day to have an open forum q&a with the citizens of Salisbury. Quit hiding behind the local press and social media. Jake the Snake its time for you to answer us directly.


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