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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

40 Things You Shouldn't Do When You're Broke

No one wants to be broke. It’s stressful, uncomfortable, and counterproductive to achieving your financial goals. While there may be some things outside of your control, like whether your boss is willing to give you a raise, there are some things you can control.

You can unknowingly prolong your financial lull by continuing to make bad financial decisions, i.e. spending money when you should instead be cutting back your spending.

You may try to justify certain purchases, rationalizing that you “need” it or that life will be too uncomfortable without it. But, more often than not, you’ll be just fine without those extra purchases. Check out a list of things you shouldn’t do when you’re broke.

Take out a loan for a new car, or for any other reason. If you’re broke, you can’t afford another monthly payment and that’s exactly what you’re adding to your plate when you take out a loan.

Go on an expensive vacation. You’re broke, you can’t afford a vacation. If you have money saved up for a vacation, there’s probably something more pressing you could spend that money on—like past due bills or car repairs, for example.



  1. I wish that I could get my ex to read this and get a few ideas as to why she can't keep a nickel in her pocket. It used to be my pockets, too, until that arrangement was cancelled.

  2. Shouldn't do these things if you're on food-stamps or welfare either!

  3. Should'nt stay on DELMARVA or you will Stay Broke .....

  4. Jobs here don't pay SHHHHHHHHHHHHT !!!!

  5. 8:06pm hahahhaa. Buh bye. ✌️

  6. maybe our government should read this


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