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Friday, June 02, 2017

Why We Left!

By Thornton Crowe

It's really that simple. 

All of this outrage, temper tantrums and fear mongering for not even one point degree difference by year 2100.


Had many of you actually read this Paris Agreement, you would see this is in black and white, no speculation.

Just goes to show the people crying over this are no better than legislators that don't read bills before signing them into law. (Thanks to the commenter on We're Out! for the inspiration!)

"Countries like Germany and France who can't even make their NATO payments are up in arms because the US will not pay for their pollution." states former Newsmax pundit, Dennis Michael Lynch, on his DML Daily program with Harlan Hill, a notorious lifelong Democrat who supported Donald Trump during the election.

Lynch continues, "Germany's emission are up, China up since signing this Paris Agreement."

Ridiculous fodder of the Liberals who would rather bow down to Globalism and take it up the rump than deal with reality.

Incidentally, we've now had three terrorist attacks with well over 150 deaths and almost 1,000 wounded since Manchester and the Media has barely covered it, it at all. Don't you find that a bit more disturbing? Let that sink in. 


  1. Plus, more and more scientists are stepping forward and explaining that the global warming models are flawed. The predictions of CO2 impact on climate are incorrect and over stated.

    Global warming is a mechanism by which the global elites finally enact a global tax.

    And, it's the sun, Dummy. In 2009, the sun went from a 20 yr warming cycle into a 25 yr cooling cycle. In the first 3 years Since 2009, despite Global Warming proponents' best efforts, the polar ice caps have regained 75% of mass lost in the previous 20 yr warming cycle.

    This is not to say we should not reduce our human impact on this world, we should. But, doing it because we're being bullied into it by fraudulent science is not the reason we should be doing it.

  2. I absolutely love this president! Not afraid to stand up to the establishment and, I feel he is looking out for this best interest of this country and it's people.

  3. Swamp Drainer of the ShoreJune 2, 2017 at 12:31 PM

    This Agreement was about wealth redistribution. Plain and simple. There is no guess work. No misunderstanding. No hard-to-grasp theories or hypotheses. It was America paying big money to other countries and those countries weren't responsible for lowering their own emissions but getting big bank from the US. Why is this so hard for people to understand? I guess all you have to do now days is slap the word Climate Change on it and people just jump on the bandwagon without further explanation needed.

    Look at the solar panel fraud our own state signed into law when most people either can't afford it or don't have the property to support getting it. That whole venture did nothing but self-enrich legislators in Annapolis who no doubt got kickbacks from the solar companies (or should I say one company) for passing this forced customer base. Free market was thrown out the window under some guise of "Clean Energy" when that clean energy can help turn a small kitchen fire into a total disaster for any homeowner, cost millions to consumers in escalated traditional electricity fees and charges and ruin the ambiance of the Eastern Shore terrain with unsightly panels for all the people on the Western Shore (at our expense, of course.)

    People, you really need to start informing yourselves because frankly, you're doing a sh** job being a good community citizen!

  4. 1217 many green means are trying to shut those scientists down but somehow they are getting some attention. Let's hope that trend continues.

  5. Please don't call it a disease, they will want medical benefits!
    it is a mental CHOICE

  6. 1256 good point.

  7. It is GLOBALISM - an attempt by the global elites to control the earth's population through the force of government.

  8. Other countries like China and India are allowed to get a free ride and pollute as they will. With over a billion people in each country, and not willing to help, yet they have the Gaul to tell us how to run our own country?Germany as well with a big F you USA on the Drudge report. I say f you too Merkle!


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