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Friday, June 02, 2017

The Paris Accord is a Bad Deal for the American People

WASHINGTON, DC: On June 1, President Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of the United States from the Paris Accord. Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement regarding the President’s decision:

“Under the Paris Accord, the United States would pay trillions of dollars in economic costs and lose millions of jobs, while China is permitted to increase its emissions through 2030. President Obama made a bad deal, and President Trump can do better. Any new international climate agreement should be ratified by the U.S. Senate, as outlined in the Constitution.”


  1. Harris: "Any new international climate agreement should be ratified by the U.S. Senate, as outlined in the Constitution.”

    Well, look at that, here I thought everyone in DC forgot about the Constitution and here comes Harris to remind me a minority do remember. Like the Iran deal, Obama didn't get this Paris Agreement through either House and no ratification at all. He just side stepped the Constitution which means it probably wasn't binding to begin with. Most folks not knowing what's even in the Constitution would have no way of knowing this just like the way they pay their taxes every year when the 16th Amendment was never ratified either.

  2. What does Harris intend on doing about any future negotiations? Is he finally going to step up and engage in DC or is he going to continue his terms of silence?

  3. 1:09, You are clearly a person who will never be happy. You come here on every Harris article and challenge anything and everything, constantly going off topic and asking what he'll be doing about this or that. You have every opportunity to contact his office and get answers, but no, you come here instead and attempt to bash.

    If there's one thing I know about my association with Andy for some 12 years now, he has an answer for anything and everything. He's done a great job representing all of us.

    So from here on out, why don't you call his office, ask your questions and then come back here in comments and state FACTS, rather then BS statements with no substance.


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