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Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Why I Refuse to Lie About Islam

The real connection between terror and the "religion of peace."

“Who cares whether it's a perversion of Islam or not?” The subject was terrorism, specifically the attack at London Bridge, and after the politicians had made their usual statements to the effect that this atrocity had nothing whatsoever to do with Islam, or was (at most) a terrible betrayal or perversion or hijacking thereof, several of us expressed the usual outrage over this barefaced lie. But one friend of mine, quoted above, wasn't having it. “Who,” he asked, “cares?”

It's a common question, posed routinely by millions of people who sincerely think that focusing on Islam in the wake of terrorist acts only makes things worse. Yes, the politicians may be lying through their teeth when they accuse terrorists of hijacking Islam, but these lies, we're told, are benign lies, which help to avoid giving unnecessary insult, to prevent increased radicalization, and to preserve social cohesion. Why, then, not just go along with the pretense that the terrorists' ideology is a perversion of Islam?



  1. I cease to be amazed how the MSM refuses to use the word Islam or Muslim when referring to these countless acts of violence. It's asf they are trying to protect Obama and his religion.
    Remember when catholic priests were abusing kids? They condemned the entire Catholic religion, all the way to the Pope for not doing anything and/or acting to slowly, and had no problems using the word "Catholic "
    One more example of the MSM stirring up the propaganda from the bottom of the Koolaid.

  2. Its because it is a religion of darkness. Rooted in the evil of satan. Its sad because we are all brothers. All children of our God the father. Except they continue to walk in the darkness. This is why the satanic progressives get along more with them then christians
    The God of the Bible is not only Faithful and Honest, but he is also reliable and true. Because he is a God of Light, no ‘Darkness’ can flow from him because it would be incompatible with his identity.  However, the God of the Quran does NOT share this Quality (Honest, Truthful). In fact, In the Qur’an the scriptures call their God‘Allah’ the Greatest Deceiver out of ALL of the Deceivers. So unlike the Christian God, The God of Islam is not truthful and honest. Instead he is deceptive and crafty (Qur’an 3:54) Now it doesn’t take a genius to realize that if “Deception” is known as one of someone’s best qualities — that person (or entity) is one in which you can “trust” to your own peril.

  3. I have found the videos of people who publicly decry the terrorist acts celebrating the when they are in their own closed communities where they think no one is watching to be particularly disturbing.


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