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Sunday, June 11, 2017

What's Your Thoughts So Far With The Comey/Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing?


  1. Comey is white washing his testimony to make himself the knight in shining armor and he done no wrong. He is very political in his statements. He clears President Trump of all accusations made against him by political opponents. These hearings are a waste of tax dollars. Comey is proving how big a snake he is. He also admitted he used friends to contact the press with information. Comey is one of the leakers by his own admittance.

  2. What we learned so far:

    The Russian collusion story is fake and a dead dog.
    The Russian hacking scandal occurred on Obama’s watch; no blowback on President Trump

    The dems are now down to an obstruction charge based on very weak if any info.

  3. Susan Collins asked a great question. “Who else did you share your statements with?”
    Bombshell answer: “I gave it to a good friend of mind who is a professor at a law school, BECAUSE I THOUGHT I HAD TO GET IT INTO THE PUBLIC SQUARE SO WE COULD GET A SPECIAL PROSECUTOR.”

    OK, Comey has revealed with this answer that his intent is to nail President Trump, to the point that he LEAKED an official document to someone not even in government. Why didn’t Comey just put it out there himself? Because he’s a snake, and a coward, and a leaker. Once again, Comey was NOT simply doing his job, but seeking to run the whole show–he wants to be the AG, just like he did in the Clinton matter, deciding it FOR them. This time, he’s taking steps to assure a special prosecutor–not his job at ALL.

    I think this jerk is disappointed that he wasn’t given the AG job way-back-when and has never gotten over it. He’s despicable.

    1. It was a hand written note on his conversation with reump...not an official document

    2. Anything like that he authors is in fact an official government document - by definition

  4. total speculation driven. too many what ifs. the chairman is 100% leading the witness/Comey. Holds no weight whatsover!

  5. Rubio did a great job! (somewhat paraphrasing) said:

    The PDJT asked three things in the meeting:

    1. be loyal

    2. Let Michael Flynn thing tgo. He’s a good guy.

    3. Please tell american people what you know – that I’m not under personal investigation.

    Rubio repeated this 2x Comey concurred (reluctantly) that that is what the meeting boiled down to.

    Rubio: “Only thing that’s never been leaked is that PDJT wasn’t under investigation.”

    Comey: (imo, he looked like he was really on the spot.) “I don’t know. I found the Gang of 8 to hold things tightly.”

    Well. Then that must mean the leaks came from FBI/you, Rice, Clapper, IC community.

    Thanks Comey for verifying that.

  6. Comey either played Rosenstein like a fiddle into a special counsel or Rosenstein worked with Comey to get him cover.

    Gee, can’t figure out why Trump is pissed with Sessions’ recusal.

  7. It's not about the truth or facts, rather political posturing. Just sad and disgusting!

  8. It is going downhill for Comey when you stand back and look at the whole picture. He is his own worst enemy. He just admitted to leaking to the media information that he did not share with Congress or with the AG because HE wanted a Special Prosecutor. Comey just undercut his whole so-called testimony. He just revealed that he was after Trump the whole time and that everything that he has said cannot be trusted because it is biased against Trump.

  9. I don't think anything of it. I decided to trim the shrubbery instead of watching. It's much more satisfying and actually accomplishes something.

  10. The CONTENTS of the emails which were hacked are the most important topic of this matter.
    The contents include evidence of high level political operatives involved in PEDOPHILIA.

    That is where the focus should be, but never will.

    It is being hushed up by the focus on the HOW of the email hack.
    The HOW should be of no importance to the American People.
    The CONTENTS should be our only focus.

    Thank you

  11. LOL just got an alert for CNN Breaking News. First one so far in regards to this hearing. "Comey says he hopes there are tapes."
    That's their bombshell so far. No mention of no collusion or Comey's a leaker.
    WV Senator Manchin has him squirming a bit.

  12. 11:54 what emails? If you are talking about the Clinton emails no evidence of hacking at all. Podesta fell for a phishing expedition and others were leaked. Hacking is breaking in and is illegal. Phishing isn't because you basically are giving them your info. If they use it to steal your identity then that's illegal-identity theft---- but not the phishing itself.

  13. 11:54 This hearing is on Russian interference in the election. There is no evidence that even suggests the Russians hacking efforts were successful. They tried is all. This witch hunt is trying to tie the President to having the investigation shut down. Trying to make the President wanted it closed in order to avoid the discovery of collusion.

  14. A continuing witch hunt against Trump.
    The establishment won't stop until they can get something that can stick to get him impeached! This is a clear attempt by the establishment and media to overthrow the presidency. They are trying to now say the Russians hacked the voting machines in Trumps favor. This has got to stop for the sake of this country or we will be in a civil war.

  15. Sen. Lankford asked very good questions, incl. securing a copy of the written memos Comey gave to his Columbia Law Prof whose name is all over twitter but I can't remember.
    Comey was unnerved by that, I think. I imagine his friend can dispose of the memos and say he destroyed them before.

  16. huge, comey say loretta lynch asked him to use the word matter instead of investigation. he was concerned because it was same rhetoric from clinton camp. this is obstruction. investigate lynch, clinton and obama they are the ones guilty of collusion and obstruction is what can be concluded

  17. Comey threw Hilary Clinton and Loretta Lynch under the bus. No mention on the MSM

    1. I can think of only a few better choices of whom to throw under a bus.

  18. Marc Kasowitz, President Trump's lawyer outside the White House, will make a statement at the end of James Comey's Senate testimony

  19. Coney gave his notes to the NU times...he was asked if still have them... he can't answer questions in this hearing due to the content but he can give his notes to a news media? And was there classified material in those notes... he is a leaker... things are not adding up here.. but he is not answering many of the questions. A waists of time and money.. they are gonna go into a closed secession and will be asked questions but how will we know how those questions are answered.. we surly can't depend on the main stream media to be honest!

    1. Holy crap. Your response is unreadable.

  20. Comey is a coward who cannot be in the same room with the President because he is afraid. AND HE RUNS THE FBI

  21. McCain needs some help! What was he talking about?

  22. My neighbor was cutting grass and I too was doing yard work. He said afterwards he would go in and chill, watching the Comey crap. I told him I had no intention of watching any of it because I can't stand Comey. I liked him in the beginning and all the great conservatives were bragging on his honesty and integrity. At some point he lost all that and me along with it.

  23. If I were Trump I'd be very uneasy.

    12:54 did he lose it when supreme leader Trump told you what your opinion should be?

    1. 1:28 😭😭😭 You didn't even have to ask that to know the answer.

  24. LOL----1:26 don't know what you were watching but the President has ZERO reason to feel uneasy. He was completely without any doubts exonerated. No pressure to end the Russian investigation by the President.

  25. 1:29 Comey said numerous times Trump didn't obstruct or pressure him to end the investigations. Trump did nothing illegal. It was obvious that Comey hates Trump but I doubt that will make Trump very uneasy.

  26. Comey is not sure if an FBI agent has to report a crime they have knowledge of is amazing. What an idiot. Just another Trump hater.

  27. A big "nothing burger."

  28. The biggest thing to come out was Trump agreeing the investigation SHOULD be carried out thoroughly and entirely because he wanted to get rid of the cloud of suspicion off of him. He also wanted anyone connected to Russia improperly within his own camp (the word they used was satellite) discovered so he could get rid of them and move on with the work he was elected to do.
    1:28 The President has no reason to feel uneasy.

  29. This is the nothingburger of nothingburgers. Talk about fake news. James Comey has revealed himself to be a political hack.

  30. Comey is a liar, a leaker, and a Trump hater. Glad he got fired, he needed to be.

  31. " Anonymous said...

    If I were Trump I'd be very uneasy.

    12:54 did he lose it when supreme leader Trump told you what your opinion should be?

    June 8, 2017 at 1:28 PM"

    Huh? Did you even watch the hearing? Comey testified that Trump made it clear that he welcomed a thorough investigation of himself and his "satellites."
    This also included Flynn. While Trump said he "hoped" Flynn would make it through the investigation unscathed because he was innocent in Trump's view, he further stated that the investigations of such "satellites" should in fact be thorough and quick.

  32. I too think Comey exposed his political views. I still believe he thought Trump would exercise executive privilege and he (Comey) would not have to testify. It is clear to me he gave the Clintons/Lynch a pass. Maybe this is the real reason Trump fired him and has selected a person who is not afraid to follow up.

  33. Comey has no credibility.

  34. "Unknown said...

    It was a hand written note on his conversation with reump...not an official document

    June 8, 2017 at 2:04 PM"

    That's not what Comey said. He said after the private dinner discussion with Trump was over and he left he immediately made notes on a secure computer inside the FBI vehicle.
    But it wouldn't matter anyway if he had handwritten them. This wasn't a personal conversation i.e.-talk about grandchildren etc. It was a conversation about his job, an investigation things to do with his capacity as the FBI director therefore it becomes what is known as "work product" which is property of the government.

  35. Trump’s "hope" was amateur hour compared to the Obama’s administration interference in the Hillary investigation we learned of today during the hearing.
    2 points he made that caused him to come forward with his July 2016 press conference-----
    1) the Tarmac Meeting between Bill and Loretta
    2) Loretta instructing Comey to refer to the Hillary investigation as only a “matter” and never to call it an investigation.
    3) a third matter that was disclosed to the committee behind closed doors that was much more significant – most likely demonstrated significant Obama DOJ interference.

  36. If there’s a scandal at all in any of this, it would be if someone on the Trump payroll asked the Russians to interfer. But there’s absolutely no indication of such a thing, no reason to suppose it happened, and nobody is even alleging it, so there’s no grounds for the FBI to be looking into it. On the contrary, it seems obvious that the Russians did that (if they did) on their own, for the same reason they spy on everyone important.

  37. It’s all very well that those watching the hearing will see it blowing away the Russia collusion story and identifying Comey as the leaker of his own self-serving memo. But for most people, who are not watching, this is the story they will get:

    HEADLINE: “Comey: Trump administration spread ‘lies, plain and simple’

  38. What sort of rock and hard place must one be in, when publicly admitting to a federal crime, seems the best solution to your problems?

    Cause that’s what Mr Comey did.

  39. Comey the CRYBABY leaked info to the NY TIMES treasonous POS.

  40. Lock up hillary Comey ?

  41. President Trump has EVERY right to stop ANY Investigation on ANYONE ASK OBAMA.

  42. So we know there is no evidence of actual Russian interference in the election. Only an attempt. But after today we know there was interference-by the Obama DOJ. Loretta Lynch instructing Comey to not refer to the Clinton Email investigation as an investigation but a "matter." This was done to change the narrative from a criminal investigation to a mere matter. That is interfering because it's an attempt to change people's perception.
    Great Day for the President.
    Bad Day for Comey, Clinton, Lynch and Obama.
    To say the President should be or is feeling "uneasy" is quite frankly, asinine.

  43. James comey testified that he could tell what people think with out any expressions or words just because he can. He can even do it over the phone. Hahaha. Comeys butt hurts that is the bottom line and President Trump is NOT under investigation. Now let's move on.

  44. He , by his Own words just Proved Trump is Not Guilty of
    Anything !!!!
    But He > Comey IS > Being a Leaker !!! Time to arrest HIM

  45. What's interesting is Comey said it was Trump's tweet on May 12th saying Comey should hope there are no recordings of their conversations was what promoted him to leak the memo. If that tweet on that date prompted him then why was the NY Times article published the day before-May 11th?

  46. "Anonymous said...

    Anything like that he authors is in fact an official government document - by definition

    June 8, 2017 at 7:03 PM"

    Not true. He could author (and probably has) a commencement speech and that wouldn't be considered government property. Only work product-something authored in his official capacity as the FBI director. While of course he would be asked to give a commencement speech because he was the director but that is not one of his official duties.

  47. A total waste of time and a distraction to keep Trump from getting his goals done.Republicans are being suckered by democrats and the MSM.

  48. Cry baby and a liar. He lost the respect of every field agent when he protected Hillary. Trump should have canned him day one and he would not have these issues with him right now. The man lives way above his means I smell a Monster Rat.

  49. The amount of time and money wasted on stuff like this just shows how much trouble this country is in. God help us.

  50. Lock him UP !!!!!!!!

  51. Loser,Liar,Weak enough said. His own do not trust him so America damn sure should not. AMF Comey


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