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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Brooke Mulford: "The Time Has Come"

The time has come...Brooke had a CT scan last night of her abdomen and head. Dr Maris told me this morning that the disease has filled her liver and her skull is covered and the tumors are pressing on her brain again. Her lower spine is covered with disease and she has very little feeling from the waist down. She will get platelets daily to help keep her from having the pain of another brain bleed. Palliative chemo will stop. We will do everything we can to keep her comfortable. Please pray for peace for both of us.


  1. So sad! Brooke has been fighting this for years! I pray for peace and comfort for Brooke and her parents.

  2. So sorry to hear. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. God be with all of you at this time.

  3. God bless her and her family at this time.

  4. I am so sorry! I will pray for you and your family

  5. Life lessons from a child that is braver than I would ever want to have to be

  6. God Bless this sweet baby and her mother. Together they have fought the fight and now may they both rest their souls in God's hands for the comfort they deserve.

  7. How sad, this sweet girl has endured so much at such a young age. May God watch over her, take her pain away, and comfort her and her family. God bless and prayers sent.

  8. The Mulford family fought the good fight, a magnificent fight!!! Now is time to put your trust in gods hands and have faith!!! Let's all prey that god will do one more miracle for this young girl who is so deserving of this miracle!!!! I am sorry to hear this sad news and I prey for you and your family, that god will ease your pain!!!!!

  9. Replies
    1. Don't be a jerk

    2. I don't think that person is being a jerk. Cannabis oil is making great strides with killing some cancers. I wish my father would've known about it before he lost his battle to Leukemia last March.

  10. We'll miss you, Brooke.

  11. This is truly very sad news, and I offer my sincere prayers to this child and her family as she is delivered into God's hands.


  12. 4:34 you are a cruel, classless POS.

  13. Prayers going up!

  14. God bless her and family god n Jesus will help don't worry

  15. Brooke and her family are in my prayers. May she rest in the arms of God.


  16. May God continue to be with this family, comfort them with your loving arms. Amy you have redefined the definition of the word Mother. May God continue to be with you and your family. Our continued prayers for you all. God Bless your bravery Brooke.

  17. This is so heart wrenching. Especially for Amy, who has to let this beautiful Angel go. Brooke will be in the arms of Jesus and He will take away all her pain. She will be new in Him. Amy will be here without her. No parents should have to outlive a child. I cannot imagine the pain. My prayers are with them as they have been thru the last 8 years. God will hold them both in His hands and comfort them thru family and friends. God Bless you all.

  18. Prayers needed for this poor child who has suffered so much and for so long here on earth. I pray she can be kept comfortable until it is time for her to go home. Prayers needed for her Mom Amy too, that she has the strength she has always shown to deal what is ahead of her. My heart goes out to them and the family.

  19. God be with Brooke and her family. May the end be peaceful and swift.

  20. Brooke has shown grace, strength & determination in the face of adversity and is a true inspiration.

  21. It is horrible that she was made to suffer for so long.

    1. Brooke has lived more in her lifetime than most of us will ever live She has loved more than some will ever love. Through any suffering her and her family remained strong and steadfast in the Lord and it was their choice and Gods to live life to the foolest possible for as long as possible. May we ALL learn from her beautiful graceful spirit!

  22. What would you suggest, 620, assisted suicide? That's illegal in US and who would make that kind of decision? We just have to trust there's a message for us all in this somewhere and try to learn from it.

  23. Blessed are the peacemakers. Brooke has always been a peacemaker on this blog when updates about her were posted. No matter how mad and short we get with each other we always come together when it comes to our Brooke. God Bless and may peace beyond all understanding come upon her and her mother, other family and friends.

  24. Kathie BrittinghamJune 6, 2017 at 7:04 PM

    Grace and mercy be with you and Brooke she has been fighting valiantly and will always be remembered as a beautiful girl and soul. God Bless her and the family and love to her now and forever.

  25. Amy there is a song my husband sang at homecoming for children. It's called "Jesus Has A Rocking Chair".

  26. So sad. What a brave little girl.

  27. SAD stop the suffering.

  28. As a mother who has lost a child I can tell you that this mother would have done anything....ANYTHING...to keep her child here.

    You never know when a disease can turn around or when a miracle could happen. My heart goes out to the Mulford family.

    You did everything that a God loving wonderful family could have done. I have seen so many beautiful smiles from this child along the way to know she will be at peace in God's arms with her own set of angel wings. God be with you all. Peace and Love

  29. Prayers going out to Brooke and Amy. My thoughts are with you both at this very difficult time.

  30. Brooke has lived more than most will live in a lifetime and loved deeper than most will ever see. Her and her family have remained true to their faith even through suffering. She chose to smile EVERY day she has. Mayb we ALL learn from this beautiful graceful special girl!!

  31. My the light of the Lord forever shine on her, in life and beyond. We love you Brooke.


  32. What a brave little girl. She is amazing for her strength, smile, and admiration. You will be one of the best examples for other people young & old of a hero with a smile & dignity. You are truly an angel & very gifted to have such a great mother & she is gifted to have you.

  33. God, please give comfort & peace. Amen.

  34. brooke is my new hero!!!

  35. It just rips my heart out to envision what Brooke and her mom have gone through all these years. I'm sure God has a special place for her. She is a living testament to all of us. Prayers.

  36. Praying for Brooke & family!
    She has a wonderfully strong Mother who can be by her side all the time, and an extremely committed father who is there as much as he can and who has to work more than a lot of people to be able to provide excellent health insurance/medical expenses for his daughter, as well as financial support for the mother.
    Brooke could do so much with her Mom in her short life but behind the scene there is a father. Let’s not forget him. He is not in the photographs but it is not always what you see in pictures but what you do.
    Knowing the family personally, I am grateful that the Father has worked so hard to be able to provide for both. Thanks to the Father, Brooke can have the best insurance that covers all medical expenses.
    Prayers for Brooke and both parents.

  37. I will pray for you and Brooke .

  38. May God be with you all as Brooke takes this final journey.

  39. A sweet child of God who will soon meet our heavenly father and know a peace that no other can give. As a mom myself, i can't imagine the pain of losing a child. I will pray for God's loving arm's to to hold you and for his love and peace to surround you and your family. God bless you all. 🙏

  40. Yes, God bless and comfort both parents and everyone that knows and loves tgus family.

  41. Nobody wants this, we all prayed and prayed. God is in charge, and He led these doctors further into the fight than they had ever been before. Advances were made beyond expectations, and new advances are in the making, because of Brooke's battle well fought. One day, these doctors will win this one.

    Brooke, when you get Home, thank God for giving you the body that he gave you for this life, as it helped and will help so many in the future.

    But also, ask him for a more peaceful and uneventful body for your next time here! Hope to see you next time around...

  42. God Bless this child has fought for so long. I pray God watches over she and her family in such troubling times. Brooke is a true inspiration. I really do pray for a miracle.


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