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Thursday, June 08, 2017

Trump Rips Democrats for Obstructing on Health Care Reform: ‘We Have Had No Help’

President Donald Trump ripped Democrats on Wednesday for obstructing on health care reform legislation, saying even the "greatest plan in the history of the world" wouldn't get their votes.

Trump spoke about Obamacare's failures at Cincinnati Municipal Lunken Airport with families who have had problems with his predecessor's health care law.

Trump eventually turned his aim to Democrats in Congress who want to keep and amend Obamacare instead of joining Republicans in repealing and replacing it.

"We spent a lot of time yesterday with Mitch McConnell and a lot of the great senators that happen to be Republicans, because we're having no help, it's only obstruction from the Democrats," Trump said. "The Democrats are destroying health care in this country."

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  1. So...the same situation that happened for the 8 years before Trump just the roles have been reversed. Story would be a little different if his attempt at healthcare wasn't a steaming pile of you know what

  2. Let Obama care fail and they will beg.


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