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Thursday, June 08, 2017

KKK likely to get OK to rally in Charlottesville park

WASHINGTON — A Ku Klux Klan group from North Carolina is likely to be given the all-clear to hold a rally next month in a downtown Charlottesville, Virginia, park that’s at the center of a political and legal firestorm over the removal of Confederate monuments in Virginia.

The mayor of the small city where tensions between groups of protesters have boiled over in recent weeks, has a message for citizens who may be angered by the display: Don’t take the bait.

“This is a fringe group of an already discredited organization that is coming out of state to try and basically stage a sideshow here,” Mayor Mike Signer, a Democrat who has served as mayor since January 2016, told WTOP in an interview Wednesday. “And we have a lot to celebrate in this city.”



  1. Whats the big deal. Black lives dont matter is paid by soros and the dimocrat party to congregate wherever and whenever they need a riot

  2. 10:44 whats the big deal? You're part of the problem, that's the big deal.

  3. It's called the DNC.

  4. So does BLM thete RACIST.

  5. K = 11

    The 33rd Degree is behind the creation and agenda of the Clan.
    It's purpose was largely filled in the 1960s.
    It tried very hard to orchestrate racial strife in this Country.
    It succeeded.

    In the present time, these same people (the Craft) use other organizations and the media outright to orchestrate racial strife. Again, they are proving to be very effective at achieving their goal.

    Good advice: Don't take the bait.

  6. Do they ban BLM and the BLACK PANTHERS ?

  7. 11:12
    Is the DNC....Darn Nasty Critters?

  8. 11:10 I am not part of the problem as I belong to neither group. The KKK has as much right to exist as black lives dont matter does. Whats the difference? Do you prefer one over the other?

  9. “And we have a lot to celebrate in this city.”
    Not really.... All you are doing is trying to change history like ISIS and NAZI party did. The Mayor and council are no better than they were and are. I hope it comes back to bite them in their PC a$$.

    All they are doing down there is making race relations worse like our previous wana be king obama

  10. Get them to put OUR monuments Back in Place !!!

  11. Democrats in bedsheets.

  12. Oh? So... a historically murderous & and racist hate group like the Klan, known across decades & decades for their terrorist actions, is no big deal? But 5 women flipping the bird to sexual violence & sexual predators somehow offends your sense of moral decency?

    Just... wow. Talk about some messed up priorities.

    You probably want to hug & kiss Nazis, too. Stroke their swastikas until you're all swimming in smilegasms.

    Messed. Up.


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