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Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Study Confirms Transgender Deviants Are Less Healthy

Now for the least surprising news item of the day — people who proclaim themselves to be transgender or “gender nonconforming” are less healthy than normal people, according to a



  1. Is it the person who is transgender or is it the liberal parents that practically force their kid to be transgender so they look good to all the liberal buddies?

  2. We already know they have a mental health issue , so what's new?

  3. it is indeed the transgender person, I am a strict conservative republican, christian, and my daughter who was raised the same way, was indoctrinated by social media and schools and is now a so called transgender, cant make her mind up if she's male or female and spews all the liberal terms for gender non conforming, non binary, all that stupid hoopla. To me she is a very lost adult who seriously needs help that neither psychiatrist's nor psychologists can fix, because they do not lead, they follow.

  4. Harris Glenn Milstead wasn't transgender, he was the famous Baltimore-based drag queen, singer and offbeat film character, Divine, pictured in this post. Gay, yes. Weird, yes. Transgender or transsexual, no.

  5. Wow a News-Flash...er!!!


  6. It's a mental illness that Democrats are forcing on the good people of America.

  7. 614
    It is not just Democrats.
    Wake up before it is too late.

    The elite are using Left / Right paradigm against us.
    Divide and conquer.


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