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Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Baltimore immigrant loses bid to stay in US

BALTIMORE —A Baltimore immigrant who was arrested after dropping off his son at school has lost his bid to stay in the U.S. after immigration authorities on Tuesday denied his case.

It was a previously unwritten rule about undocumented immigrants -- stay out of trouble and they could likely stay in the U.S. without being targeted. But that's no longer the case with the aggressive crackdown by the Trump administration on undocumented immigrants.

A local Immigration and Customs Enforcement official denied the request of Jesus Peraza to be allowed to stay in the U.S. Peraza argued that he was in the country for 10 years, had a job and family. He has no record of crimes against people or property.

The ICE official ruled that there was no compelling reason to grant the request. Peraza is subject to immediate deportation.



  1. he committed a crime by entering illegally

    when will liberals understand

  2. He was a witness to a brutal murder and fled the scene upon arrival of le. He then refused to cooperate with detectives. He pretended not to speak English and refused to give and identification. The monster that committed the murder is also a illegal...

  3. Where did you find your info 12:56 - I researched and the murder appears to have been witnessed in Honduras.

    1. Not sure about 1256 but the illegal fled his home country to hide in the USA that part is correct.

  4. This should've been being done from the beginning. Whether it was Clinton, bush, Reagan or Obama. They have to be sent back. As stated above.....He committed a crime by being here illegally.

  5. I'm sorry, this is relevant WHY? If I break the law (regardless of the situation or how many FAMILY members I have), I pay the price.

    Price here - deportation. Rather simple to me. Law is Law - nothing in between. No bleeeeeding hearts when it comes to the LAW!

    Wait a minute, we're suppose to have feelings? THEN CHANGE THE LAW!

  6. Adios amigo. Apply to come back legally or maybe fight for change in your native country.

  7. No one fall into the trap! The criminal illegals manufacture children only to tug on heartstrings when they are caught. They don't care about their children or even love them. If they did they wouldn't have had them since the potential is always there for deportation.

  8. These children of illegals are not citizens either if you follow the constitution

  9. Excuse me. Ten years is plenty of time to get your citizenship. Loser
    Send him packing.

  10. If he wants to stay, let him do it by legal means. Sorry, but illegal is illegal.

  11. Immigrant??

    You mean illegal alien!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


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