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Sunday, June 18, 2017

SPD's new vehicle: Kubota RTV-X1140 police package


  1. What an absolutely fantastic waste of tax payer dollars.

  2. Is this too catch snowflake dem thugs or to drive them to pizza?

  3. I don't care how much money they spend and to be honest I could care less that they have it the only thing that concerns me is they take a video and it has those trucks that are registered in Delawareand that's fine but what isnt OK is to blatantly videotape them to show off the company that they got them for which anyone on the Eastern shore knows come from Burke but that they would videotape them knowing they are illegal to drive in the state of Maryland they are no better than me but I can clearly see they won't be stopped for their truck being too big or the wheels sticking out too far. And before the comment start no my trucks not ignorant with one of those big stacks blowing Blacksmoke or obnoxious looking like a monster truck it's just like those however every time I'm in it I'm stopped give an inspection ticket.

    1. For the millionth time....the quote is "I COULDN'T care less". Why is this so hard to understand? Listen to or read what you are trying to say!!!

  4. Let's waste more money on bullshit toys I doubt they will be able to catch the African American who was riding his dritbike in the park yesterday afternoon at a high rate of speed

  5. Waste of $s. How is that silly vehicle fighting the opioids epidemic, rape and violent crime?

  6. All this sniping, even though nobody commenting knows why it was purchased. And, of course, the spelling and grammar challenged nitwit making another pizza reference.

    1. Will read it will be used to patrol the city park the marine and down town events

    2. Pizza delivery.

  7. So we're is the 40,000$ truck and the 10,000$ trailer that's going to haul this thing around because they are not street legal and if the cops can drive there new toy on the road why can't I just saying

  8. Thanks 12:08 for the dirtbike warning. Next time I go to the park I'll make sure to have some nails in my pocket that I can drop if necessary.

  9. @12:08 Do you see the DOT stickers on the side of the truck??? That means they go through scales and we all know that there is a scale that he HAD to go through (Delmar) just to get this piece of equipment to the Salisbury Police Dept.. Sooooooooo.. With that being said, don't you think MD DOT would have stopped him and gave him repair orders for ANYTHING and I do mean ANYTHING they see that is NOT legal on the truck. Before you give your input, you should probably educate yourself about what you are trying to talk about first.

    1. Talking about the off rd vehicle Dumass why don't you read a little better next time you can not drive them on the street they are off rd vehicles only unless some new law just passed I don't know about

  10. 12:08
    It was probably the same idiot that was popping wheelies on Memorial Plaza the day we were at the Civic Center to vote.

  11. This compact size will fit nicely on the Fireboat.

  12. 1208
    We know you understand the use of PERIODS in writing because you used 2 of them in your post.
    I was out of breath by the time I read your first sentence.
    Ever heard of a "run on sentence" in grade school?

    Break it up man. Use a comma or period every now and then.


  13. Why not have the city shop make a dozen of these out of the vehicles sitting in their lot.

  14. Pizza warmer will fit nice of the back of these.

  15. You're telling me that Aaron Hudson is gonna ride in this thing? I gotta see that!!!

  16. So,what will the Sheriff's Departments next move be? You know they can't get "one upped" by SPD!!! Expect some type of new vehicle to be unveiled on Naylor Mill Road VERY soon.

  17. Who was the dude wearing the gay tan Snooks or whatever those gay shoes and anklets are.

  18. Police package? Did anyone else notice how loud and annoying that rag was?

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I don't care how much money they spend and to be honest I could care less that they have it the only thing that concerns me is they take a video and it has those trucks that are registered in Delawareand that's fine but what isnt OK is to blatantly videotape them to show off the company that they got them for which anyone on the Eastern shore knows come from Burke but that they would videotape them knowing they are illegal to drive in the state of Maryland they are no better than me but I can clearly see they won't be stopped for their truck being too big or the wheels sticking out too far. And before the comment start no my trucks not ignorant with one of those big stacks blowing Blacksmoke or obnoxious looking like a monster truck it's just like those however every time I'm in it I'm stopped give an inspection ticket.

    June 14, 2017 at 12:08 PM

    every time I'm in it I'm stopped give an inspection ticket.

    They quit breaking the law you dumb bastard!

  20. Pizza, Pizza! Who ordered the Pizza?

  21. Anonymous said...
    Let's waste more money on bullshit toys I doubt they will be able to catch the African American who was riding his dritbike in the park yesterday afternoon at a high rate of speed

    June 14, 2017 at 12:08 PM

    Or the African Americans that race their crotch rockets up and down Salisbury skreets.

    BTW... WTF is a dritbike?

  22. Anonymous said...
    Waste of $s. How is that silly vehicle fighting the opioids epidemic, rape and violent crime?

    June 14, 2017 at 12:27 PM

    Opioids epidemic? Not really an epidemic. Start clamping down on the druggies that don't own up to their own drug abuse.

    If the GD Liberals would allow President Trump to build the Wall that would more than likely cut the import of Heroin by at least 75%.

  23. Anonymous said...
    So we're is the 40,000$ truck and the 10,000$ trailer that's going to haul this thing around because they are not street legal and if the cops can drive there new toy on the road why can't I just saying

    June 14, 2017 at 12:44 PM

    WTF is 40,000$ and 10,000$?? Don't you illiterate morons know how to write anything these days? These indoctrinated fools weren't taught that the dollar sign goes in front of the number!! They don't know how to write cursive and it looks like they can't write signs appropriately.

    We live in an embarrassing country these days where people don't know history and think it's Ok to eradicate Confederate monuments and Confederate History. How sad is that?

  24. Anonymous said...
    So we're is the 40,000$ truck and the 10,000$ trailer that's going to haul this thing around because they are not street legal and if the cops can drive there new toy on the road why can't I just saying

    June 14, 2017 at 12:44 PM

    OMG! All I looked it was the cost figures erroneously posted with the wrong placement of currency symbols that I didn't even notice the poor grammatical errors.

    Where ≠ we're, we're = we are
    There ≠ their
    Where are your question marks?
    Where are your periods?

    That's not even considered a sentence.

    That Dummy must have been taught by Jim Ireton before he dropped out of the 3rd grade.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Thanks 12:08 for the dirtbike warning. Next time I go to the park I'll make sure to have some nails in my pocket that I can drop if necessary.

    June 14, 2017 at 12:47 PM

    Make sure you get the roofing nails with the 1.5" flat heads on them so they stand upright better.

  26. 8:29, please stop reading these comment's. We wouldn't want to read that you've gone postal. Maybe you could drop the medication and give up that special doctor, by doing so.

    1. Why should I stop reading the comments. Why not hold people to the standards of proper English and grammar? Typical liberal moron, excuse the actions of people who screw up and make everyone else accommodate THEIR laziness. As a society, we should be strong and confident enough to hold others accountable to minimum standards. Our "national" language and basic grammar should be mastered by the time we are adults.

  27. Motorcycle's are next


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