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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Breaking News: The Virginia shooting suspect was an opponent of President Trump and "wasn't happy with the way things were going," his brother said

The suspect, James Thomas Hodgkinson, 66, of Belleville, Ill., died in a Washington hospital after a shootout with the police.

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  1. These dumbocraps are just plain idiots! You lost! Get over it.

  2. Sometimes when I'm not happy with the way things are going . . .

    Come on!
    That's all he has?
    Not happy with the way things are going?

  3. The liberal Democrats scream "resist" and this idiot did just that. Where is the MSM, CNN, MSNBC. They would be screaming Trump to blame with his rhetoric if this idiot was a Republican supporter. Thank Obama, Clinton, Pelosi and the rest for supporting / promoting this slogan and the riots.

    1. Oh don't worry sooner or later they're going to blame Trump for this

  4. Bernie sanders supporters/liberal left are one of the most violent groups in America.

  5. I guess us conservatives and so called republicans will just set back and the liberals shoot , beat and run all over us. Isn't it time to retaliate ?

  6. Once again the left represents the worst in our country

  7. Expect more of these incidents....with the constant barrage of accusations, talk of impeachment, "fake news", and one investigation after another, a unstable mind will act out thinking they're doing us a favor.

  8. Aw hell it's all Trump's fault everyone knows that, just anyone in the MSM.

  9. 259 sounds alot like the past 8 years to me. You guys love practicing projection up here.

  10. Sad, he died for what he believed in.

    In a free society (which we all continue to want) this happens from time to time. May not make it right, but we still live in the USA - a democracy (regardless what party affiliation you "ride" with).

    Now Chicago and Baltimore - might as well build the FENCE around both of those cities because they are WAY out of control with their constant killings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We are almost 20% into the 21st Century - this type of singular retribution is only beginning and its high time CONgress stops bitchin with one another and start LEADING our country...or singular problems will become more than 1 person!

  11. Its a shame he was shooting where he was it could have been so much worse, thank God he was apprehended and no sympathy for his passing. There are real idiots out there that some Dems are just constantly stirring the pot, we can't even shut Hillary up and schools that want Hillary and Bill as speakers their education is just a waste.

  12. Don't be ridiculous 3:20 There was no talk of 'resist' for the past 8 years and you know it but can't help yourself because all you people do is lie. You lie constantly. You democrats are a sick sub species of the human being. You lie, have no morals, are swimming in a sea of depravity, are perverted and vulgar AND you are violent. This proves it again. Instead of 'resisting' you need to start learning how to be civilized human beings. The way you people talk, act and are proves you have never evolved into civilized human being and we see it over and over in the democrat strongholds of the inner cities of this country the way they are blowing each other brains out. And if you try and deny you are just doing that lying again.

  13. With more of the facts out, it is deplorable this had to happen. I am at least encouraged that the democratic leadership (Pelosi) and Bernie Sanders have condemned this incident. Things have obviously become very heated of late and it is frightening to think that this perpetrator saw his only action to take as one of violence. This should send a clear message to the DNC; foul language, intolerance, promoting and inciting seditious behavior, endorsing perverted "comedy", and failure to cooperate should not and must not be tolerated.

  14. Yeah, Bernie condemned it today but on Saturday was in Chicago calling for his people to take down Trump. So is he really condemning it? Really?

  15. Look at what the Democrats did to the GOP office downtown during the election! They're a violent bunch. I've come avoid many Democrats since the election. Just don't want to be around them anymore.

  16. Do you know why some people are resorting to viloence and not that I condone it, absolutly not, but they are seeing this country go in the crapper with this current administartion. Democrates are just a patriotiic as anyone else and care about this country. One of the comments right on here talking about retaliation is it justifiable because he's a Rebublican.
    Wake up folks!

    1. Why are you DEMOCRATS SO VIOLENT???!

    2. The current administration is NOT why this country is going on the crapper. God will you people please wake the F up! This country is in the crapper because of the last 8 years. And no...Democrats are NOT patriotic. They do NOT love this country only themselves. They do however like to take their taxpayers money all the while they accomplish nothing. I have NEVER seen a bunch of crybabies like the left. Really anyone that is a Democrat should be so embarrassed at how your party is acting. And it will be you that will be this countries downfall. smh

    3. Liberals support everything un-American thats why this country is in such rough shape. Trump is the answer to making America great again and he is doing one hell of a good job.

  17. Oh , it's a commin folks!

  18. Democrats have whipped up division and resentment for political gain. We've seen it time and time and time again. Whether it's resist or BLM or the sickos walking around with vagina hats on their vulgar hate filled heads they are in a frenzy trying to whip up more hate. And all democrats are to blame because like 4:22 they are excuse makers and enablers.
    Enforcing immigration law is NOT hate no matter how much democrats LIE and say it is. Remember democrats are LIARS who LIE constantly.
    Shooting people who you disagree with is hate.
    Lying like that local lying disgrace garbage Molly Likovich and saying the president is a rapist is not only a lie but hate. And to think that thing's POS skank worthles mother is teaching or whatever in schools.
    Failed miserable with her own and raised a liar and a loser.

  19. Stop lying 4:22. Democrats are not patriot. Your lying won't cut it around here. They are all sick perverts. They are bad people. Vulgar and disgusting filth. Just look at the democrat platform for proof. They have no morals or decency. Anything goes with them including violence.

    1. 5:29. Just like your vulgar President Cheeto.

  20. Democrats are the real threat, not the Russians. Democrats are violent and dangerous when they don't get their way as this proves once again. Being a democrat is a mental disorder for sure.

  21. Serial killer, middle classed trailor trash. Smh. So typical

    1. He was unemployed and homeless.

    2. 10:07

      He had a home inspection business, a wife, and a home. He put all that on hold to move to DC, live in a van, and "protest". Your a moron.

  22. who was it that said, "when they go low we go high"?

    She lied of course but I think everyone should embrace that for themselves and stop with all this hate. Violence only begets more violence.

  23. The suspect, James Thomas Hodgkinson, is a known hater of President Trump and ALL Republicans.

    The suspect, James Thomas Hodgkinson, has been known to write outlandish letters to the editor spewing his hatred of Trump and all Republicans.

    The suspect, James Thomas Hodgkinson, was active in politics fighting against President Trump and local Republicans.

    Who does this remind you of on the local level??

    Does this sound like Geoff Smoot to anyone else? Someone should tip off the FBI to this clown mental case.

  24. Well now let me tell you all something, Yes democrats are patriotic.
    We believe in America, We believe in all people, we belive in live and let live.
    We do not believe in the corruption and lies that is currently going on in Washington.
    And let me tell you something else, I'm a veteran that defended this country,
    something i'm very proud of. I fly the American flag in my yard everyday.

  25. Your a moron.

    June 15, 2017 at 12:22 AM


  26. 6:44, nice words. Kind of like Islam is a religion of peace.

    Actions speak louder than words, you know.

    If you are true to your statement, please proceed to the Board of Elections and erase the "D" from your registration.

    Not that "R" is that much better, since they hate Trump as well and would knuckle to the Democrats for fifty cents, but at least you could have helped get Trump more of the the primary vote.

  27. We do not believe in the corruption and lies that is currently going on in Washington.
    And let me tell you something else, I'm a veteran that defended this country,
    something i'm very proud of. I fly the American flag in my yard everyday.

    June 15, 2017 at 6:44 AM

    Currently?! Come on man, surely you jest. Lies, corruption and many more things have been going on in DC for many many years. It's not something that is new, or just 'currently' started.

    Unless I have misunderstood your meaning, you just had to get your dig in didn't you?


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