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Monday, June 12, 2017

Sharia’s Incompatibility With America On Display

Islamic law based on the Koran cannot co-exist with the U.S. Constitution
Sharia law, which is taken from the Muslim holy book of the Koran as well as from the Hadith — traditions and sayings handed down from Muhammad that have become enshrined in Islam as law — is incompatible with the West, with the Constitution and with America.

Stand strong on this point, patriots, Christians and freedom lovers.

The left, Muslim advocacy groups and the secular media will label all those who oppose Sharia on human rights’ grounds as Islamophobes. But letting that devil in the gate is a point from which there is no return.

Sharia drowns freedom. And in America, it’s being pressed under a guise of First Amendment religious rights.

Be not confused.

Allowing Sharia to take religious root in this country would eventually crumble the Constitution. The two cannot co-exist.

The left and Muslim advocacy groups spin objections to Sharia as rooted in Islamophobia..

But they’re largely silent on the explanation of how America’s concepts of women’s rights — the right to walk in public without a male escort, the right to drive a car, the right to wear clothing of one’s choosing, the right to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes and so on and so forth — can remain not only available but unpunished under a Sharia system.

More here


  1. If it were up to Dems we would be all bowing to Islam.

  2. Anarchy ship them out immediately. NY and other states have confirmed Sharia law by having Sharia Judges running our Courts.

  3. Judges that don't follow our constitution should be disbarred and fired.

  4. Would someone explain why the LGBTXYZ community is so fiercely pro muslim even after so many were slaughtered at the Pulse nightclub by a muslim?

  5. 5:04 because they are dumber than dirt.

  6. Absolutely correct. Totally incompatible, but no one seems to admit Islam is NOT just a religion, but ALSO A FORM OF GOVERNMENT.

    One must really understand this fact and realize that because of that, the first amendment DOES NOT APPLY TO THEM. We are the USA and WE the people have OUR Constitution and it in no way allows Sharia.

    It allows freedom of religious beliefs ONLY!


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