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Monday, June 12, 2017

Lynch should testify in wake of Comey claims, Graham says

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch should testify before the Senate, top Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said Sunday, in the wake of fired FBI Director James Comey calling into question her handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe.

“I want to hear from Loretta Lynch,” Graham said.

The call follows Comey’s claim during a Senate committee hearing that Lynch once directed him to describe the email probe as a "matter" and not an "investigation” -- an alleged intervention Comey said made him “queasy.” He also said that directive, combined with Lynch's unusual Arizona tarmac meeting with former President Bill Clinton, led him to make his independent announcement regarding the Clinton email probe last July.

Several GOP lawmakers have shown interest in learning more about Lynch’s actions following Comey’s testimony.



  1. Bring in Bill C. to hear about the conversation about ground-kids at the airport which was supposed to be secret.

  2. So she wanted to have a new department called the Federal Bureau of Matters?

  3. This ties in with the investigations against Trump. Trump has been vindicated and Lynch has been accused with facts. We will see how the "special prosecutor handles it, since everybody states he is fair and just no matter who they are.


  4. Lynch, Holder, Clintons, Obama, Comey, Lerner, Biden...the list goes on and on. Liars all.


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