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Thursday, June 08, 2017

Sears, Kmart Said Planning to Close 72 More Stores

(Editor's note: Salisbury Stores Dodge The Bullet)

Beleaguered iconic retailer Sears reportedly is planning to close 72 additional stores this year, in addition to 180 locations the company had previously announced it would shutter.

Business Insider reported that the company plans to shut 72 stores – most of them by September – including 49 Kmart stores, 16 Sears stores and seven auto centers. USA Today put the total at 66 and didn’t mention auto centers.

The financial woes of the Illinois-based company, whose name has been a trusted retailing icon for generations of Americans, have deepened dramatically in recent months.

Sears Holdings Corp., once the largest U.S. retailer, in March warned about its ability to continue as a going concern after years of losses and declining sales, Reuters reported.



  1. What is Happening Sweet Ones ? Is it Their plAn like Obama was ? Close no ! Jobs jobs no no ! Say no to make now

  2. Knock me over with a feather that the Salsibury KMart has not been shuttered on this round. That place....the buzzards are flying above. I will keep picking the bones at Sears as the clearance prices drop.

  3. 7:42 Hello Jim Jones. You went off script this time! Didn't see one mention of Demon Obama's Reptilian brain implant, so good try on not copying and pasting the same comment for the 100th time, but there is still work to be done! Look at your post. Totally incomprehensible, and this time so much worse, since you went off script!

    "What is Happening Sweet Ones ? Is it Their plAn like Obama was ? Close no ! Jobs jobs no no ! Say no to make now"

    What is the message here? It makes absolutely not sense! No one can read what you stated and make any sense of it. It is so bad that I wonder if you have a reading disability!

    What does "say no to make now," mean?

    How old are you? Are you mentally disabled? I firmly believe that after reading all your previous comments, absolutely no one in the history of mankind, has ever addressed an anonymous audience as "sweet ones!"

    As before, your comments have nothing to do with the post. You managed to state the word, "jobs," which is the closest you've come to having a comment that relates to the post, but your comments fell apart long before that.

    At least you posted a different comment but, you still make absolutely no sense!

  4. There are a lot of us that live on the east side of Salisbury that would rather go the K-Mart than Wal-Mart. It is very scary because they have recently closed the pharmacy. They have very few cashiers working. We hope this is not a sign of things to come.

  5. Accept it. THIS is Obama's legacy and he had a full 8 years to change it. He didn't!

  6. I will miss the Icee's you could get at the Salisbury K-mart, but I only shopped at Sear's because they would give anyone a credit card, and that is how I started my credit score to where it is now, 804. Now that I can get a decent card, I no longer need to pay more, shopping at Sears or Kmart.

  7. 840
    Cant you just ignore 742?

  8. Come on 1121, this is the entertainment industry and everyone is free to participate and obtain the title "artist"!

    (snicker snicker)

  9. Just a matter of time before both are closed. Went to Kmart last week looking for lawn chairs. Nothing in stock. Flowers and house plants outside were not watered and were either brown or wilted from lack of being watered. Parking lot was sparse and this was on a Saturday!!! I truly don't know what is keeping this business open or how they make enough to pay their employees. I don't look for them to be in business much longer here in Salisbury.

  10. Dove Point keeps Kmart in business there. That's one of the only reasons it isn't closed. I got stuff on clearance last night. Dog food .40 a can. Pantene shampoo big bottles for $4.00. So they have lots of clearance if you go look

  11. 11:01 Thanks for the heads up. I'll definitely check this out.
    Hate to take advantage of a bad situation, but these are hard times for everyone.


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