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Thursday, June 08, 2017

Drinking non-cow milk linked to shorter kids, study suggests

(CNN)Children who drink dairy alternatives like soy, almond or rice milks are slightly shorter than their peers who drink cow's milk, according to a new study.

The study, published Wednesday in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that each daily cup of non-cow's milk consumed was associated with 0.4 centimeters (0.15 inches) lower height than average for a child's age.

"We found that children who are consuming non-cow's milk like rice, almond and soy milk tended to be a little bit shorter than children who consumed cow's milk," said Dr. Jonathon Maguire, the study's lead author and a pediatrician and researchers at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. "For example, a 3-year-old child consuming three cups of non-cow's milk relative to cow's milk was on average 1.5 centimeters shorter."



  1. Hello yes ! I hear You !
    Those Who lurk (Sweet Ones, here this!) Will say do and take whatever Their leaders say Yes

  2. was so poor grew up drinking goats milk. Today I'm 6'2" thank goodness it halted my growth! has nothing to do with genetics! so if we make our kids drink goats milk and their kids and so on we'll eventually be the size of ?

  3. They probably live with kooky parents that eat vegan crap and no meats.

  4. You should also cite the study that states that kids who drink cow's milk are fatter and sicker. We are the only species that drinks the milk of another species. Wake the f up people.

  5. 8:38 missing the point the study is about non animal milk v animal milk even thought headline states non-cow. goat milk is actually better than cow milk.

  6. "...We are the only species that drinks the milk of another species."...

    My cats drink milk.

  7. I'm 18 7'2 drink a gallon daily. Now make that 3 gallons. going to me 9ft

  8. 1/10th of an inch?
    Better consume real cow milk by golly.

  9. Cow's are injected with growth hormones to mature quicker and produce milk sooner. So all those growth hormones are showing up in the milk supply. Unless noted on the carton, you are consuming the chemicals used in those injections and in the pasteurization process as well. I'd rather be shorter and healthy than tall and sickly. Why do you think girls are "maturing" earlier today?

  10. 6:06, the same can be said about chickens.

  11. 10:22 no I didn't. evidently you believe everything you read. it was sarcasm! you all forgot the most important ? about this study. who paid for it?

  12. So I guess it is now a myth that genes play a part in height.

  13. I am allergic to milk. As a kid, it would make me throw up to drink it. I am 6' 1", it did stunt my growth by not drinking it. You can get calcium from many other sources. There is no need to drink milk after a child stops breast feeding. The dairy association spreads these lies to sell their product.


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