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Tuesday, June 27, 2017



  1. God has a special place for them.

  2. Always hesitant to give to any charity because of stories like this. How much is actually going to the people in need?

  3. Always look up a charity before donating.

  4. Oh, the Obamy years!

  5. Hesitant?

    I encourage everyone to STOP donating money to these filithy "charities".
    They do nothing for the prevention of cancer. At best, they research to "identify" it earlier and earlier so they can make claims that they have "prolonged the lives" of cancer victims.

    The corporations are poisoning all of us and deep down we all know it to be true. That mass poisoning is the cause of cancer among a host of other illnesses.

  6. There are many cancer funds in the country , I donate to none. I've had cancer three times .

  7. Charitynavigator.org gives a good breakdown of any charity you can name.

  8. Say it "aint" so....CNN runs a REAL newsworthy story - STOP THE PRESSES!!!!

    I know I know, once in a while the squirrel does find a nut!

    I'm sure CNN will screw this one up too - HAHAHAHAHAHA!

  9. Most charities, churches, and other fund raising turns out to be a scam of sorts. The amount of every dollar that actually goes to those it was collected for is minuscule.

    American Cancer Society: 12 cents out of every dollar
    United Way: 35 cents
    American Red Cross: 64 cents
    United Negro College Fund: 14 cents
    Save the Children: 7 cents
    Salvation Army: 89 cents
    Goodwill: 45 cents

    Then look at what the leadership gets paid for working some of these scams, I mean jobs.

  10. This money would be well spent in how to avoid cancer before is starts. Alternative medicine is best.

  11. I never donate money to these charities that pay their execcs excessive salaries - I never donate money period. Just give items to Halo or Goodwill.

  12. No No No! Do NOT trust charity navigator! They originally gave the Clinton Foundation a low rating, then mysteriously changed it to 4 stars. Probably because someone didnt want to end up like Vince Foster.

  13. 10:44 Goodwill is one of those scumbags. They also think their store is a retail store by charging the same prices. Never go there. Halo and Salvation Army are the only ones I would donate to.

  14. One of hundreds doing it,the IRS needs to change the 5% legally a charity must give to 90%.


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