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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Golden Retriever Club of America National Specialty comes to Wicomico County Sept. 22-30

The 2017 Golden Retriever Club of America National Specialty will be held Sept. 22-30 at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center and nearby venues in Maryland and Delaware. The Potomac Valley Golden Retriever Club is hosting the show, with the theme of "Paws 'N Claws" – fitting for an event held on the Eastern Shore, known for Chesapeake Bay seafood and crustaceans.

Golden retrievers will take part in a variety of different competitions during the eight-day event.

The event is expected to bring over 5,000 attendees to the area, resulting in a hotel room night demand in excess of 6,000 and an estimated economic impact of nearly $5.7 million.

For more information, including the event schedule, visit the Golden Retriever Club of America National Specialty website at http://2017grcanational.com/.


  1. How many locals own hotels in Salisbury? Financial impact = minimum wage to hotel employees. Restaurant owners will benefit but again employees not so much other than an increase of tips for a week.

  2. You know this is really getting stupid now. President Trump needs to "drain the swamp" just like he said he was going to do and get rid of all "left overs" from the former administration.

  3. 7:36 AM ... Huh?


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