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Saturday, June 17, 2017

Republicans Go On Offensive Against Mueller; Call For 'Special Counsel' To Investigate AG Lynch

Last night, after Trump launched yet another furious tweetstorm intended to expose the double standard applied in the Hillary investigation compared to the Russia probe, we noted that Republicans might be well served to stop sitting around twiddling their thumbs and actually go on the offensive against an investigation that has obviously morphed into mass hysteria courtesy of free-flowing leaks from a conflicted "intelligence community" intent upon bringing down a presidency. Here's what we said:

Of course, until someone within the Trump administration or Republican Party smartens up and calls for the appointment of a 'Special Counsel' to look into Hillary's email scandal, something that should have been done long ago, and not for retaliatory reasons but simply due to Comey's and AG Lynch's blatant mishandling of the investigation (a point which Deputy AG Rosenstein obviously agreed with), the Democrats have no reason to calm their mass hysteria. Then, and only then, do we suspect that Hillary might just be able to 'convince' her party to exercise some form of reasonable judgement.

Now, according to a note this morning from The Hill, Republicans seem to be doing just that with several members of the GOP calling on the Special Counsel to look into whether former Attorney General Loretta Lynch illegally meddled in the Hillary investigation when she met with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Phoenix and/or instructed Comey to refer to his case as a "matter" rather than an "investigation."

Rather than wasting resources on investigating Trump, the GOP says the special counsel must look into whether former attorney general Loretta Lynch meddled with the FBI’s criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server.Comey testified that Lynch told him to downplay the seriousness of the FBI’s email server investigation.

For those who missed it, here is Comey's testimony in which he confirms that Lynch "directed" him to refer to the Hillary email case as a "matter" rather than an 'investigation"...not to mention that ill-advised meeting with Bill Clinton on the Phoenix tarmac just days before the Justice Department was set to announce the results of their investigation.



  1. It gets old, doesn't it? But let's not give up hope that justice might prevail with Clinton.

  2. The RNC keeps calling me for donations because I monetarily supported the Trump campaign, but I keep telling them, "No, I will not support the RNC because you hate Trump and are against him, and I would give my money directly to Donald Trump should he need it".

    Please tell your friends to do the same. F_ the RNC.

  3. They need to go after Comey and Lynch because they've broken laws together and separately. It's time to drain the swamp and move on with business. They also need to get rid of all Obama holdovers even if it means our government works on a skeleton crew for awhile. We can't continue to have traitors of any kind in our government.

  4. Republicans Go On Offensive Against Mueller; Call For 'Special Counsel' To Investigate AG Lynch

    Amen, Drop the probe on Trump and go after the real criminals Obama, Holder, Lynch, both Clinton's and the DNC.

  5. Steve said...
    The RNC keeps calling me for donations because I monetarily supported the Trump campaign, but I keep telling them, "No, I will not support the RNC because you hate Trump and are against him, and I would give my money directly to Donald Trump should he need it".

    Please tell your friends to do the same. F_ the RNC.

    June 18, 2017 at 12:20 AM

    Steve I agree with you.

    F the Establishment GOP and the RNC! Our local Republican Central Committee and the Republican club has turned into whack jobs.

    Look at Central Committee member Julie Brewington calling Trump Supporters Trumptards and then Trump was winning and she acted like she was a Trump supporter all along.

    Now Julie Brewington is planning on running for elected office again.



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