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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Powdered drywall mistaken for cocaine lands innocent Florida man behind bars for 90 days

OVIEDO, Fla. - Karlos Cashe thought he was facing a minor traffic ticket when he was pulled over by Oviedo police in March for driving without headlights.

When an officer saw white powder on his seat and floorboard, though, the situation became much more serious.

Cashe was on probation at the time on marijuana and cocaine charges from 2015.

He was put in handcuffs when court records showed he was out past his court-ordered curfew. Hours later, police realized the system was not up to date and Cashe had not violated his curfew.



  1. I like cops but all of them are not the brightest crayons in the box

  2. You are saying all cops are dumb? You must be the clear crayon.

  3. Blogger Shadow said...
    You are saying all cops are dumb? You must be the clear crayon.

    June 28, 2017 at 3:33 PM

    try reading it again with an open mind


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