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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

FBI cannot be trusted

The Federal Bureau of Investigation claims to be above politics, but that’s not so

Can anyone with a modicum of common sense trust the Federal Bureau of investigation? The answer to that question is a resounding “no.” The claim that the FBI strives to be above politics is today and has always been absurd. When former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover admitted in an interview that his “agents” had tapped the phones of 1964 Republican candidate Barry Goldwater and even bugged his campaign plane, Mr. Hoover told his interviewer, who wondered how someone in his position could so cavalierly ignore the law and the constitutional rights of American citizens, that when the president asks you deliver.

That and much else that Mr. Hoover ordered his “agents” to do during his too long tenure as FBI Director was bad enough, but in the years since he departed the scene, the FBI has developed a penchant for breaking the law without even requiring a wink and a nod from above. The Bureau picks its targets for whatever reason and goes after them, concocting evidence or setting them up to technically break laws that have nothing to do with the “reasons” for the original targeting.



  1. Since Hoover, the FBI has not been "trusted", but FEARED.
    It has enormous power over the people and the people know it.
    The very idea of a FEDERAL law enforcement agency is nonsense.
    It represents an abuse of State Autonomy and power.
    We are residents of STATES, not the federal government.

  2. not sure we can Trust any of the intelligence agencies. I do like Sessions.

  3. Comey has tarnished the FBI's credibility tremendously in the last few years. Personally I think as I have thought all along that he manipulated any memos he wrote after he was fired to fit his purpose. They are suppose to be the top law enforcement group in our country and he has shown that he could be manipulated by the Democrats and with the leaks was a corrupt official. Such a shame. Any true law enforcement officer that does not view this as wrong is not a up and up law official who really believes in the laws of this country.

  4. I Trust no but jesus and my family

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    not sure we can Trust any of the intelligence agencies. I do like Sessions.

    June 27, 2017 at 7:39 PM

    You are allowed to make mistakes.

  6. 3:06, Sessions is the man. Gotta love that little fellow. He will get the slackers squared away. Tough ole bird.

  7. Anonymous said...
    3:06, Sessions is the man. Gotta love that little fellow. He will get the slackers squared away. Tough ole bird.

    June 28, 2017 at 7:16 AM

    You are entitled to your opinion, and maybe you are correct but I have a different opinion of him. And really it's just about one issue I have against him. The medical marijuana issue that he is against.

    I believe he is totally wrong and he ignores facts, studies and what the majority of people want in regards to marijuana.

    Our gov't has had at least one patent on marijuana for decades and they know the medical value of marijuana. They are being very hypocritical about that and have it listed as being as bad as heroin and other harmful drugs.

    I don't smoke it but I do want to be able to get and use CBD oil for my chronic pain and hopefully get off opioid pills.

    His other positions on matters I am not familiar with, just this one. But it is a big one as far as I am concerned.

  8. Can anyone with a modicum of common sense trust the Federal Bureau of investigation?

    I was watching a re-run of Breaking Bad the other night and this word, modicum, was used several times in the show.

    I wonder if this reporter had recently watched the same episode. lol

  9. Need not look any further than Andrew McCabe (2nd at FBI)and his wife. She took big bucks ($500k)from that goofy governor in VA who is closely tied to the Clintons. They are all democrats; how much more political can you get?

  10. Nobody in DC can be trusted but President Trump. You're welcome.


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