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Friday, June 16, 2017

OCPD arrest six following late-night Boardwalk brawl

During altercation mounted officer’s saddlebag stolen by additional bystander

Six visitors face charges for their involvement in a fight that spilled onto the Boardwalk in the early hours of June 13, Ocean City Police said.

Mounted police officers were on patrol around 1:11 a.m. when they reportedly heard shouting and cursing coming from the area of Second Street on the boards. When police arrived, a crowd of 20 people surrounding a fight had gathered on the Second Street ramp. The fight included a juvenile and five young adults: Victor W. Norris, 18, Hidaya Elabbadi, 19, both of New Castle, Delaware, Lanyia Williams, 18, of Wilmington, Delaware, Matthew Pinkett, 21, of Townsend, Delaware and Juan E. Tamayo, 21, of New Holland, Pennsylvania.

According to police reports, officers witnessed Williams punching a woman in the head and upper body. The woman was reportedly on the ground.



  1. A so begins the summer season in family friendly Ocean City.

    1. No. Actually, and more correctly, it's the end of this year's Senior Week in Ocean City.

  2. From the names, it sound like it was a diverse and inclusive brawl . . .

  3. Teach them all a lesson. Lock all of their dumb asses up !!!

  4. Minorities just having fun.

  5. June bugs on a Tuesday morning. oh the Endless Summer of 2017 is just beginning!

    We'll sweep this under the rug with this weekends airshow!
    That's how WE roll here in OC baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (p.s. I'm sure the family friendly video of this is WONDERFUL!!)

  6. Locals don't go near the island during the summer months unless it is to grab a Trashers and flee. OC is no longer fun.

  7. Pretty bold to steal the saddle bags!


  8. This following story never made the news:
    Roving groups of locals, including some local and visiting firefighters, were found to be accosting long-haired individuals and starting fights. Sometimes the group would have scissors handy and give the victim a quick haircut right there on the boardwalk.
    This occurred many time each night over the course of a week - usually the Firefighter's Convention Week - in Ocean City.
    The year?
    1966. The victims? Hippies.
    Just change the word "hippie" to "thugs" and it's all the same.
    NOTHING changes in this town, and it always survives.

  9. Well well. It isnt easten shore kids. It's out of state trash or upper shore trash causing problems.

  10. can't wait to take the fam. too bad they outlawed the B&*BIES

  11. Just change the word "hippie" to "thugs" and it's all the same.
    NOTHING changes in this town, and it always survives.

    June 16, 2017 at 4:22 PM

    I think there is quite a difference between the two groups.

    1. You're absolutely right, of course.
      But the point being made was about fighting (disorderly, etc.) on the Boardwalk.
      THAT never changes.


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