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Friday, June 16, 2017

Democrats Are Already Using The Shooting Of Steve Scalise To Call For More Gun Control

The bad guys are always going to be able to find weapons, and more gun control is never going to be the answer

The left never lets a good crisis go to waste. Within hours of the shooting of U.S. Representative Steve Scalise and other Republicans at a baseball field in Virginia, top Democrats were already calling for more gun control.

Of course the shooter, 66-year-old James Hodgkinson, is from a state that already has some of the toughest gun laws in the entire nation. And the largest city in Illinois, Chicago, is plagued by rampant gun violence on a daily basis. Alternatively, crime rates tend to be very low where rates of gun ownership are very high. Up here in north Idaho, anyone that would dare to break into homes at night would have a very, very short criminal career. Gun owners are the number one crime deterrent, but liberals still don’t understand this.

Every time an Islamic terrorist or a crazed leftist starts shooting people, the left immediately pounces on it as an excuse to start promoting gun control again. For example, just consider what Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe had to say just hours after the shooting



  1. Is obama coming for them ?

  2. Control the people who don't have guns from the bad guys who do?
    WHAT PLANET ARE YOU FROM LIBS???? Do you read what you spew?

    (see healthcare - answer is NO!)

    1. I am a good guy that WILL turn bad if thats what they want ?

  3. And Republicans are using it for pro gun rhetoric so whats the difference? You don't agree with one side so you stomp your feet and cry

  4. 224 in this instance, the Democrats have NO justification whatsoever. Period. And that, my friend, is the difference.

  5. seems to me the most dangerous people with firearms are dems.

  6. Thank God for the officers that were there to protect the elected officials because if the sicko was the only one there with a weapon there would have been many more deaths.

  7. If it weren't for a couple of ladies (Hill Police) being present WITH GUNS then, somebody may have been murdered!

    Guns protect people from the people who have guns.

    Think about it folks.

  8. Should be a law against Democrats with guns. It's always a democrat sympathizer who does the shooting!

  9. You do realize that if Democrats stopped shooting each other gun violence would drop by 95%!

  10. Anonymous said...
    Is obama coming for them ?

    June 16, 2017 at 12:51 PM

    He wants to you Liberal Turd Burglar!

  11. If everyone there had a pistol, that guy would never had gotten off a third shot, if he had ever decided to go into a suicide act at all...

    He would probably never had shown up for the game at all, but you never know about crazy people. But still, he'd never lasted as long as he did...

  12. An armed society is a polite society.


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