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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Loretta Lynch Reacted With ‘Steely Silence’ to Comey’s Evidence About Email Investigation

Former FBI director James Comey met with the Senate Intelligence Committee in multiple private sessions where he detailed Loretta Lynch's reaction of silence to his evidence from the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server.

Comey met with the committee multiple times over the last couple months where he detailed an encounter with Lynch, who served as President Barack Obama's Attorney General, shortly before Hillary Clinton's email probe was shut down, Circa reported.

Comey told lawmakers in the close door session that he raised his concern with the attorney general that she had created a conflict of interest by meeting with Clinton’s husband, the former President Bill Clinton, on an airport tarmac while the investigation was ongoing.

During the conversation, Comey told lawmakers he confronted Lynch with a highly sensitive piece of evidence, a communication between two political figures that suggested Lynch had agreed to put the kibosh on any prosecution of Clinton..

More here


  1. So Lynch taught him how to roll over and play dead. There a big surprise! LOL!

  2. Comey has been offered political asylum by Putin haha

  3. So we need to investigate Trump?

  4. Time to Arrest HER !!!!

  5. She Not made of steel ....she just has the Race card ....


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