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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Countywide 'School Swap' initiative saves Howard County school system $260,000

A School Swap initiative has allowed the Howard County Public School System to cut spending for new materials, equipment and furniture, according to continuous improvement specialist Teri Dennison, who said the county has saved an estimated $260,000 over the last three years.

Since its debut in the 2014-2015 school year, more than 1,700 items have "swapped" locations, finding a new use at schools or school offices. Schools and offices work together to find a space for surplus school resources and furniture, which is available at no cost.

Dennison said she was assigned to program improvements at the logistics center in 2014, when she noticed the school system's warehouse was filled with unused items, including desks, tables, chairs, cabinets and shelving.



  1. Common sense - who'd a thunk?

    Wonder if that could be....nah, impossible and won't happen here.

    HOURS until TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. It is sad that we look upon developments such as this as improvements and 'great ideas'. Isn't this common sense? Shouldn't things like this be common place rather than worthy of a press release? This is the constant defining factor between government service and operating in a real world environment.

  3. Couldn't agree more 2:57.

  4. My first thought: Common Sense

    Kudos to 255

  5. Beats the daylights out of selling it all at auction for 5 cents on the dollar. Are you listening, Wicomico and Salisbury?

    1. Or worse, sending it to the landfill.


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