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Wednesday, June 07, 2017

'Kill them all,' Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins says of suspected Islamic extremists

U.S. Rep. Clay Higgins, R-Port Barre, bared his own extreme proposal for suspected Islamic extremists after the latest terrorist attack in London: "Kill them all," his campaign's Facebook page stated Sunday (June 4).

(Facebook screenshot)
(Facebook screenshot)

Higgins' strong words were posted after seven people were killed and dozens injured on Saturday in London. It appeared due process was not a priority Higgins, a freshman congressman and former police officer, as he called for killing anyone suspected of being a radicalized Muslim.
His remarks sparked outcries on social media.


  1. Good man but i say send in the snowflake libs to the Front Line.

  2. Hey, can you walk up to me and say he's wrong????

    If you can, go live over in an Islamic controlled country for three years. If you live through that, come to me again and tell me this man is wrong.

  3. Finally someone with a set to stand up against the evil dark satanic religion

  4. America cannot keep up it's long
    standing " goodness" when it
    comes to these demons. They have
    to be Stopped or they will take over!

  5. He's right but they aren't any " moderate muslims". They are all sleeper agents who practice a religion of hate. It's the only religion that preaches Jihad for non-believers. I don't care what anyone says, they are all extreme regardless of how "moderate" the media or anyone else try to convince you they are.

  6. Don't see a thing wrong with what he said. Love it.

  7. I don't view the good man's statement as "extreme", but as common sense.

    Rep. Higgins' "strong words" appeared due process was not a process. Well, do the victims of this trash have do process? An eye for and eye.
    Wish I could vote for this great man.

  8. that was the man I said I liked when you had that poll

  9. How very Christian of him.

    1. Yeah ok snowflake, have you seen the real news about how many Christians they've killed? Its like 90,000 now.


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