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Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Hogan holds back on joining Virginia, other states in climate alliance

Gov. Larry Hogan has so far declined to bring Maryland into a newly formed alliance of states opposed to President Donald J. Trump's decision to pull the United States out of the Paris climate accord.

A dozen states have joined the newly formed U.S. Climate Alliance of states committed to staying on the path to fight climate change the United States pledged to follow under President Barack Obama. Most are led by Democrats such as Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who joined the alliance Monday.

McAuliffe said Trump's announcement to withdraw from the Paris agreement "does not speak for the states and cities that are committed to fighting climate change."

"If the federal government insists on abdicating leadership on this issue, it will be up to the American people to step forward — and in Virginia we are doing just that," McAuliffe said.



  1. Y'all can fight climate change all you want, just don't use my money to do it with. There's no reason to pay money to any other country in order to do due diligence to practice clean energy goals, and furthermore, any green energy purchases should be held to a bar that they are truly green sources.

    Currently, solar and wind have a hugely negative green footprint looking at the fossil fuels it takes to manufacture the equipment required and the longevity of the actual production and maintenance costs.

    So basically, there's no science yet to make this happen without stupid high subsidies that kill jobs.

    But you stupid liberals will still bang your heads against this wall and shout, "But it HAS to!"

    No, not yet. Go back to WORK and make it PROFITABLE, then you can sell it on the open market like all of us do.

  2. Fools! Here come the new taxes to pay for it....

  3. All Paris agreement is - funding, they need funding. So your going to take your state taxes help FUND this, WHY? I would if I was Trump pull every freaking federal aid dime from any state that does this. LIBERALS need to GO, they are as bad as ISIS at this point. MOVE THE HELL TO PARIS.

  4. Boy it sure is time for all good men to stand up against this evil tide of subversion. The tree of liberty appears to need some quenching

  5. Eventually he will... Watch

  6. He's already dug his grave. Too late to agree with Trump now and try to get re-elected. He's one and done!!

  7. Good to see our new governor is doing SOMETHING right...

  8. I'm in favor of it. Go green!

  9. Man there sure are a group of old curmudgeons out tonight

  10. Fighting "climate Change" is nothing more than fighting individual freedom.

  11. Dont CAVE IN Gov. Hogan


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