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Sunday, June 04, 2017


Kathy Griffin seems to now say she's a victim in the bloodied, beheaded Trump photoshoot, claiming the Trump fam has bullied her.

Griffin has been in hiding since TMZ broke the story of the now infamous photo shoot.

The comedian has hired attorney Lisa Bloom and will hold a news conference Friday, explaining her "true motivations" behind the shoot. According to Bloom, she will also lash out at the Prez, promising to talk about the "bullying from the Trump family she has endured."



  1. I've seen better things in my baby's diaper

  2. Poor little idiot....she should be bullied by every American!!! What career, that's all she wants, attention.....SCUMBAG Wasn't a tear in her eye.

  3. She should be in prison awaiting trial for threatening the president. Lucky she got off this easy. Glad her career is toast. Could not have happened to a nicer person. Would like to see the same to some of the other so called comedians like Stephen Colbert. Total A hole! Just like David Letterman!

  4. Good she deserves to be a victim. Keep it coming. Keep calling so all her upcoming shows get cancelled. Let's pray she is so victimized that she loses everything she has and is reduced to a peon.

  5. Kind of like how liberals react when they hear something that doesn't fit their belief???

  6. She must not have anything better to do - Is she related to Hillary

  7. Oh my the rank skank is mad because she got called out on her crap. Let it be a lesson to her and others if you throw a punch we will throw 100 back at you.

  8. Just one more reason not to like her

  9. For more info on how to bring it further to it's knees and others just like it go to media equalizer.

  10. She has gotten the last 15 min she will ever get--she is trash hope she looses all supporters and can't get a comedy gig anywhere--never was funny.

  11. Typical liberal Nazi dirtbag. Cannot own up to her actions and be responsible. In what life could that possibly be funny. She seems to be mentally ill and her soul damaged to the point of nothingness.

  12. Hags like her make me understand why some countries purge every so often.

  13. I don’t get the “Trump is ruining my life” thing.

    Didn’t President Trump and Melania each make a short, reasoned statement and that’s it.
    Or have I missed something.

  14. Some of the "old white guys" are CNN executives…KG is angry at the world…she has yet focused on her internal problem of rage and the deep desire to grab attention…well she has it now…and the rage has turned to bitterness…

    Wait in a few days we will hear she has attempted suicide, to try to gain sympathy…

    She’s a very ill person.

  15. I guess no one told her when you end up in a deep hole you stop digging. That lawyer is incompetent.

  16. I think she might have a point on her life being ruined… if you are this far left and even CNN fires you, I mean…. that’s pretty much a career ender.

  17. What a dumbass. She deserves everything she gets. Why do these as$h#les think its ok to be this stupid.

  18. For once everybody agrees on something!! She is so pathetic. Doesn't matter who's head it was...how was that funny?

  19. More shows cancelled! There is one last holdout. Uptown Theatre in Napa Ca has yet to cancel but I understand they are now saying her appearance is "under review." I believe the number is like 7 show cancelled now one more and the whole tour is cancelled.

  20. Old song: Cry Me A River, next lyrics:cause I cried a river over you.

  21. She stated that “I may not survive this” I hope she’s correct.

  22. You are just full of hate. Funny you cant even take responsibility for your actions, that makes you pathetic and hatefull. Or should we just call you a liberal.

  23. This person is a terrorist sympathizer and mentally ill. Fake tears fake lawyer but REAL secret service knocked on her door. Lol.

  24. Just like Hillary...Oh poor me. It's people like this who are scraping the bottom of the barrel for a laugh? Honestly, she thought that photo op was funny? And Hillary doesn't take any blame for the election loss? Delusional to say the least.

  25. She did something she knew was wrong when she did it. She is no different than a murderer that knows what they are doing is wrong, but expects to get away with it. She thought Hollywood and the liberal Trump hating media would have her back. She "crossed the line" (her words) and it was intentional. She absolutely did not think that she would have any repercussions from it, other than the late night TV hosts, and MTV would cover it and glorify her Trump hatred.

    Man, she couldn't have been any more wrong, on all levels. The only think she has been right about is "crossing the line."

  26. She seems to be hallucinating about someone or something in her past somehow linking this to it.

  27. I sure hope Trump sues the crap out of her.

    1. Yep bc she is trying to turn it around on him like she is the Victim by lawyering up with a WITCH.

  28. Swamp Drainer of the ShoreJune 2, 2017 at 4:51 PM

    Kathy Griffin knew what she was doing was wrong, she just didn't care. She thought we'd all give her a pass because, after all, Democrats get passes all the time. If you're going to look the other way with Clinton selling us out to Russian, what's with a severed head between friends? For the first time in forever, people are now rearing up and making their disapproval known to people like Griffin because most are sick of the Trump Hate being shoved down our throats, morning, noon and night. It's old, way old. Now it's time to move on. Griffin doesn't deserve anyone's attention. She's a nothing burger. Maybe she can go do lunch with Hillary and they whine in their bowls of cream of wheat together.

  29. Don't see any reason why she has to get a lawyer. She is the one that started the whole thing. Seems to me like Trump and his 11 year old son were the victims of a very low down joke. So anything she gets she deserves. She only apologized because of the reactions she got from everyone. Meaning that it was her only way she could think of to stop people from cancelling her shows and endorsements. It was a selfish apology only to benefit her. Not because she was actually sorry for the pain she inflicted on President Trump and his family. Just imagine you were 11 years old again and saw that picture of your father's head. You probably would have thought it was real too. I hope the left will learn a lesson from this and stop trying to demean Trump and everything he does. They even tried to make a big deal of his wife folding her arms in a picture. Talk about grabbing at straws. And Obama made the same pose in one of his pictures but nobody would even dream of trying to make a big deal of it. The liberal left politicians should wake up and see the more of this they do. The more people dislike them and get behind President Trump. So continue on President Trump in making America great again. And I hope you know that a huge number of average middle class voters and patriots stand behind you and support all that you are doing.

  30. Off Topic but important. Boycott of Don Lemon advertisers (many others too) advertisers is on. Direct TV is one of them. If you call to complain about him and threaten to cancel account they are offer $45/month bill credit, free HBO for 6 months and free NFL if you stay.
    Talking points if someone wants to call-

    - When CNN's Don Lemon talks about oral sex on the air, and compares children to pets, it's just CREEPY.

    - The guy was even drunk on the air broadcasting and got sent home, after making a lewd comment about Kathy Griffin's chest on national TV!

    - I'm still shocked at how insensitive and terrible he was to a rape victim he was interviewing on TV, talking about biting penises!

    - I will NOT be doing any business with companies advertising on this low-quality weirdo's show!

    - Does he represent YOUR company's values? Why are you still advertising with him??

  31. She a con artist of worst kind person.

  32. she is as liar and plays the victim at every chance. She has 3arned all that has happened to her. she is vile, obnoxious person who allows herself to deliberately embarrass and humiliate others. She is a vile,mentally sick person who should be barred from the media until she gets treatment for her mental condition. She is a total embarrassment to the entire human race.

  33. So Kathy... You feel Trump is ruining this country.
    Tell ya what, you wanna be edgy? Try this one:
    Take a booking in Saudi Arabia (they pay amazing money for American entertainers); start your monologue by holding up a severed head of Mohammed, and let the hilarity ensue.
    I'll pledge a donation of $100 right now to pay for the cost of having your remains flown back to America.
    Do that, and you will get my complete respect.
    You are losing the bookings in the USA because you are unfunny, and tried to be edgy with that photo, and no other reason.
    I wish you the best in the coming year (or career, whichever is over first). I suggest you do a concert tour with Michael Richards. Call it the "Holy Cow Did We Ever Screw Up Our Careers Tour".

  34. Her agent has spent 24/7 on the phone since her piece of stupidity, trying to save what's left of her 2017 appearances.

  35. bullied? she needs to stop whoever has been pummeling her with that ugly stick!

  36. You just can't fix SCUM or STUPID, both of which she is.

  37. The only thing more disgusting than what she did is how the media keeps showing it over and over and over on TV.

  38. The poor Jewish Princess.

  39. Comedian? Have you ever seen that vile skank do any work? I have seen enough while channel surfing.This turd is so nasty mouthed it makes the late George Carlin sound like a saint. Mouth needs to be scrubbed with a soap pad.I couldn't listen to that filth and I have been around it all.

  40. Look at that jaw line that's no woman

  41. These types are so homely, they have to do something for attention. Otherwise you would not notice them. Jaw line you say, what does it identify as, which bathroom is used?

  42. She isn't Jewish. She was raised a Catholic.

  43. She knew what she was doing - she has always pushed things (usually too far) and recognized there would be backlash, however she did not count on the fact that her shows and sponsors don't share her same thoughts - now she is nothing more than a has been, D rated comedian - truely not entertaining or funny at all


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