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Sunday, June 04, 2017

Kathy Griffin holds bloodied Trump mask in photo shoot with Tyler Shields

Kathy Griffin is at it again.

The outspoken comedian posed for a photo shoot with controversial photographer Tyler Shields in which she is holding a bloodied mask of President Trump.

TMZ published the gory photo from Griffin's photo session with the famed Shields, known for his shocking pictures.

According to the gossip site, Griffin joked with Shields on set they would need to move to Mexico after the photos were released or fear imprisonment.




  1. She should be jailed, no question.

  2. She should be fired and held accountable by the FBI, this is not comedy, nor does she mean it to be.

  3. SHE needs to be ARRESTED.

  4. This woman is so desperate. Just ignore she'll OD in a year.

  5. If it were Obama......

  6. Pathetic. That's all I can say.

    Pathetic loser.

  7. She has always been sick thought her comedy entertainment was off the wall definitely not in a good way--glad we rarely hear anything from or about her--her 15 min ended long ago.

  8. The head looks far better than hers!!!!! Some one should shoot her....

  9. If Clint Eastwood had done that with an OTURDLY skull - the libtards would have had a total hissy fit - yet this Bim is allowed to do it against someone that has already proven to be multitudes better than his immediate predecessor!

  10. She is a really bad person for doing this.

  11. If they act that way they get work.

  12. Seditious, pure and simple. Colbert is another loser who should be off the airways simply because they bleat this nonsense under the guise of humor. I'm sorry,this is not the least bit funny and I guarantee if a conservative did this between 2009 - 2015 they would not only be off the air but investigated either by FBI or IRS.

  13. The most annoying TV personality. No wonder she was paired with Don Lemon for the most pathetic new years broadcast ever! Both are train wrecks that seem to bring ratings with other idiots of the like.

  14. Many are calling for the Secret Service to get involved. We'll see how it works out. Until then, remember you have the power of the purse. She might have thought better given she's got a new book but liberals aren't the brightest bulbs on the Christmas Tree.

  15. I've never cared for her, nor the ridiculous amount of plastic surgery she had. She's always been bizarre at best, but this is way too far! Hope she gets locked up.

  16. You snowflakes are just too sensitive. Get over it.

    1. Dems are the ONLY treasonous commy Snowflakes.

  17. Maybe she'll just drop dead or OD. That's nothing but a threat to the President of the US, what if a celebrity did something like that when Obama was President? She's nothing but a POS.....

  18. Congratulations on becoming the least popular person on the Planet overnight.

    If you hadn't noticed, Trump was supported by 95% of the Country's counties.


  19. It's Totally Disgusting she gets any
    attention from this crude photo shoot.

    I am sick/tired of hearing nasty
    remarks about the President! He is
    OUR PRESIDENT and is trying his best
    to "fix" what has been destroyed.

    Those in this Country who are showing
    such Total Lack of respect should hang
    their heads in shame!!!

  20. HER head needs to ROLL.

  21. It's just sad anyone thinks this is acceptable, democrat or republican.

  22. IF it was done to OBAMA they would be calling for there head but the SNOWFLAKE MEDIA AND CNN will give her a PASS she needs to be ARRESTED and wipe the smile off her DLIST FACE.

  23. She just gave a BS Apology lets see the AHOLE Don lomon drop cover for her trans A..

  24. The race snowflake war is COMING.

  25. Swamp Drainer of the ShoreMay 31, 2017 at 7:32 AM

    Kathy Griffin now apologizes after such a negative outrage backlash saying she didn't think it would receive as such. Let me ask you this. Did she really think this wouldn't invoke such outrage ahead of time? Really? Either she's an idiot or she believes we are idiots. Either way, she should be investigated by the Secret Service and prosecuted for threatening the life of the President of the United States. Yes, that is illegal. Always has been; always will be.

    1. At the end she Rolled her eyes.

  26. More proof that democrats relate to. think like and are very much like terrorists. They need to admit they have never evolved into civilized human beings so are inherently violent.

  27. An insincere apology. She needs to suffer big time for this. Boycott everything she does. She knew this would get a big reaction. In fact, that's all the left talks about is killing trump. I'm appalled by the left. They are losing their minds.

  28. Contact CNN and voice your disgust. She and the giggly Anderson Cooper are their anchors for New Year's Eve. She should never appear on that show again. Cooper is bad enough! The libs are trying to take down conservative media - currently attacking Sean Hannity. It is time conservatives fight back. Let's begin with her and her relationship with CNN.

  29. Let the libs keep showing their true colors. True Americans are sick of it, that's why Trump won. I encourage all liberals to shout at the top of their lungs.

  30. Let's take a page out of the Lib's playbook:
    * Find a listing of all the sponsors of the NYE show with she and Cooper.
    * Post the list on social media and let CNN know that we are fully supporting a complete boycott of those sponsors until they announce that she has been removed from that co-hosting position.
    It works for the Libs to do that. It will work for us.

    1. Why are you targeting Anderdon Cooper? He didn't do this stunt.

  31. This POS goes overseas to perform for our Miltary! Id like to know what those who serve think of that photo. Id like to be there when/if she ever returns!!! Im 100% certain it wouldnt be as welcomed as before! DISGRACE!!!!!!!!! Criminal!!!!!!!!!

  32. Idiots in the news!

  33. Simply sick. She is a CNN and MSNBC idiot.

  34. Without make up on, she's very ugly. Wow. Scared my poor eyes straight.


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