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Sunday, June 18, 2017

I Saw This On A Local Salisbury Facebook Post

I hate ringing people up for garbage when I'm sure my tax dollars are paying for him to have redbull and some junk food! 😡
Not against stamps and govt help but this to me is abusing the system! Oh and he bought all this at midnight. Healthy young man no physical ailments.


  1. Look at the balance left for food, 1003.57? Wow. Also if you buy groceries at walmart and return them, you get a walmart gift card. I was behind a lady returning onions and other groceries the other day. I couldn't believe my eyes when she received the gift card!!! Only in America.

  2. The gift card is a smart alternative to a cash refund which could be used for alcohol etc. Usually ebt refunds are out right back on the ebt card.

  3. Don't forget a lot of addicts use their EBT benefits to buy drugs. That would be my guess.

  4. This should NOT be allowed. period

  5. 9:33 AM fun fact: returned food is thrown in the dumpster, according to walmart. I returned an unopened box of crackers because I bought the wrong one. She wrapped it in tape and I asked why and she told me because all returned food is thrown out, due to safety issues.

  6. I am sick and tired of working hard all day and then come home and do some side jobs so I can make some extra needed money. And then my hard earned tax money goes so they can buy the expensive stuff. There is something very wrong here.

  7. Must understand that food stamps aren't really for poor people, they're actually a government subsidy for the junk food and soda companies.

  8. This system should never be in place and done away with very soon. Walking around with a grand balance and walk outside axing customers for some gas money to get home. It makes it bad on ones that do need it. I have been burnt so many times trying to help, I just tell them to step off now.

  9. I don't spend that much a month for a family of four. Wow

  10. OMG OMG i don't even spend 1003.00 on food each month and i have to feed 6 people in my house how the hell do they get so much. i have decide im going to quit working and live off the state ill get better benefits and food

  11. We have a house of five (seven or eight at times if you include the boy/girlfriends that come over every day) and our grocery bill isn't $1000/month. What in the hell is this?

  12. With nothing to do all day then going out at midnight spending working peoples tax dollars and you wonder why crime is high.

  13. Really? F@@king really?? My husband and I can't even afford food and these individual go waste their money on Red Bull and have $1,000 left??? I would love to fill our freezer with meat and our cabinets bursting with food. We don't qualify. God this pisses me off so bad!!

  14. I have seen food stamps/EBT used for alcohol, cigarettes, steamed crabs, and lottery tickets. Why should things like this be allowed to continue? Get a job. When I was in Fruitland Food Lion a few weeks ago, the lady in front of me paid for her groceries with 3 different food stamp cards. Not one question was asked about why she had 3 different cards.

  15. Why isn't there a sales tax applied to all this junk food?

  16. We NEED TO CHANGE THE SYSTEM! Every state should have it's own panel of nutritionists who approve the type of food that can be purchased via the SNAP program.
    It was not designed for that, it wasn't sold to the American taxpayers as that, so change it back to what it's supposed to be- similar to the WIC program that limits the types of food the users can purchase.

  17. That $1000 isn't a monthly benefit. It's the accumulation of several months' benefits that it looks like this person doesn't need.

    Send a copy of this post to your state and federal legislators and tell them to get cracking on limiting what people can buy with their EBT cards, and how much they can hoard in their accounts.

    1. Exactly. Send it to President Trump also. And the governor. Which I am going to do. If enough people on here do this, maybe something will be done.

    2. If they do not spend it all, then what is left should be deducted from the next months amount. This is ridiculous.

  18. State/Feds turn a blind eye each/every time - THATS why its gotten out of hand. Same folks in Annapolis get voted in year after year - just like in DC.

    WE need to demand change or vote for someone else. Hello - Make America Great again. Next November will be our 1st time to really do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Don't have to budget when you get more than you need for free.


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