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Sunday, June 18, 2017

As Seen On Facebook: Do not stay at Clarion Fontainebleau Hotel in Ocean City, MD!

When I stayed here recently I woke up with bites all over my back. I picked up the mattress and found a bed bug. The supervisor came up to our room, collected the bug in a cup and never even apologized. All they offered was to move us to another room. When we checked out, the General Manager wouldn't even come out to talk to us or refund our money. The front desk refunded one night and I had to dispute the rest of the charges with my Credit Card company which were refunded when they saw my medical bills and pictures. When I finally talked to the General Manager on the phone, he said he didn't see that we were inconvenienced. I went to patient first and was treated with steroids and antibiotics, had to strip my whole family of clothing and throw things away. After the incident, I found multiple reviews online that said there were bitten by bedbugs and management responds denying.


  1. That was caused by more than one bed bug

  2. The Worcester County Health Department should get a call from the victim(s), and the parent company (Choice Hotels) get a call and a letter.

  3. I see that nothing has changed at the "old" Sheraton.

  4. GET what u pay for.

  5. Happened two years ago to me. Not as bad as that picture. I stayed one night and had bites behind the backs of my legs. Fifth floor. They said it was fleas. My doctor said was bed bugs.

    Dogs are kept on the first floor.

  6. Maybe y'all can help me- I went to Assateague and got over 175 mosquito and fly bites! Who can I sue? The NPS?

    1. You're certainly welcome to try.

  7. Obviously an embarrassment to the hotel so taking a low profile and hoping the whole incident just goes away. This is the onset of tourist season so there is no way they will take responsibility for bed bugs. I am sure they have a lot of reservations for the season, but if this was to get out to a wider general public; can you imagine the hysteria?

  8. 1059
    Sorry, you cannot sue anyone.
    You were in a natural setting - where bugs exist naturally.

    If you PAID money to stay in an unnatural setting (hotel room), and were bitten, then you would have a case to sue someone. Probably would not need to sue, probably would be awarded some kind of compensation for the hotel room's error. The error is not using reasonable pest control methods.

    Do you understand the difference?

  9. How can a hotel let that continue? fumigate the whole damn place.

  10. Blogger Bitten said...
    Happened two years ago to me. Not as bad as that picture. I stayed one night and had bites behind the backs of my legs. Fifth floor. They said it was fleas. My doctor said was bed bugs.

    Dogs are kept on the first floor.

    June 12, 2017 at 9:55 AM

    I'm not saying fleas caused these bites but I am saying fleas can move from one floor to another, using humans as taxis or even inanimate objects to hitch a ride.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    GET what u pay for.

    June 12, 2017 at 9:46 AM

    Self-defeatist attitude. I don't think anyone pays for bites while staying at any hotel

  12. Maryland is among the top states for having this bedbug problem.
    I've seen more than a few mattress trucks at OC hotels before the season completely changing every bed in the place.
    It's an ongoing problem for the hotels - in OC and everywhere else. Sadly, it's not a "cleaning" issue that can be easily controlled.
    ALWAYS check your bed first when staying at ANY hotel! I travel a lot...I know what I'm talking about.

  13. Hotel has posted a rebuttal. More to the story.

  14. Something one may want to look into this - how many establishments (like the old Sheraton) are allowing "some" of the hired help to live in vacant rooms? Hmmmm....

  15. Foriegn workers and guests bringing them here..in the old days they used good chemicals to keep them out.But instead of that we have all these enviro's crying no chemicals.Now we are inundated with pests.You can use those old chemicals in a way they won't harm people and remove the problem. Also stop hiring foreigners from bed bug countries..

  16. And people wonder why I own a camper...Hahaha! Sleep right on the beach ...hear the surf hitting the sand....wake to coffee in bed and NO BUGS!! EVER!!!!

  17. And people wonder why I own a camper...Hahaha! Sleep right on the beach ...hear the surf hitting the sand....wake to coffee in bed and NO BUGS!! EVER!!!!
    June 12, 2017 at 12:59 PM

    HAHA, yeah, right. NO BUGS, what a joke. You have to live in camper to have no bugs. But don't open that door, or a window. If you do, then the mosquitoes, biting house flies, and horse flies will eat you alive. If you go outside, you have to wear a layer of chemicals to keep the bugs off. Oh, did I mention that the beach campgrounds have ticks too? NO BUGS, haha, you actually go and camp where they live.

  18. Those bite marks are from a heck of a lot more than one bug and are several days old. I would have to say you got them at your house and stayed at the motel while your house was being fumigated and then blamed the hotel so you could stay at no cost.
    A good lawyer for the hotel would sort the truth out and I thing you would lose big time.

  19. I work at a hotel in ocean city. Sadly I can say it happens often. Has nothing to do with housekeeping not doing their job. Educate yourselves as we were put through a class. Most times these are brought in by guests who are not allergic to them. Bed bugs tear my husband up but have never bothered me. You should of been fully reimbersed and definitely apologized too. I'm glad you were at least compensated money wise. Keep in mind one bed bug does not ruin the entire.hotel unless it goes untreated. Hopefully they called professionals in.

  20. Another body looking for a free ride , she also spilled a hot coffee in her lap , she'll sue for that also.


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