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Thursday, June 15, 2017

House Passes Landmark VA Accountability Bill

The House voted Tuesday to make it easier for the secretary of Veterans Affairs to fast-track the firing of federal employees for misconduct, sending the bill to the White House where President Donald Trump is expected to sign it into law this week.

House Veterans' Affairs Committee Chairman Phil Roe (R., Tenn.) lauded the bill's passage as a "promise kept to our nation's heroes."

"The single biggest success in today's passage is that the veterans win," Roe told the Washington Free Beacon in an interview. "The purpose of the VA is to provide care for veterans, and without question your staff is the most important asset here. You have to have a way to terminate people when they aren't performing and this gives the VA secretary the ability to do that while protecting the employee's due process rights."

Trump last week called for House members to deliver the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to his desk for a signature after the bill sailed through the Senate with bipartisan support.



  1. ""The purpose of the VA is to provide care for veterans, and without question your staff is the most important asset here. You have to have a way to terminate people when they aren't performing and this gives the VA secretary the ability to do that while protecting the employee's due process rights."

    The Bidens had the option of excellent care (Hopkins) for their son but chose to get FREE care at Walter Reed instead. Unfortunately, he was no longer eligible for VA care but the VA chose to accept Biden over a Vet who was qualified and needed care.

    It would seem that the Swamp gets fed from Wilmington. It too needs to be drained.


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