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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Dems Cancel Committees, Slow Senate in Effort to Block Obamacare Repeal

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) on Tuesday announced the latest move in Democrats' ongoing effort to obstruct the Senate in opposition to the Republican push to repeal Obamacare.

Schumer announced that Senate Democrats will invoke the so-called "two hour" rule, which blocks committees from meeting once the Senate has been in session for more than two hours, the Hill reports.

Democrats threatened as much on Monday, saying that they would interrupt Senate procedure unless Republicans allowed public debate and at least one committee hearing on their health care reform plan.

"As we've made clear to our Republican colleagues, if they continue to insist on ramming through a secret health care bill without any public input or debate, they shouldn't expect business as usual in the Senate," a statement from Schumer said.

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  1. They behave like three year olds.

  2. I guess 4:17 would prefer the alternative, which is the passing of a bill shrouded in secrecy.

  3. And they wonder why no one will elect them. this is all they have

  4. what do we pay these morons for?!! Geez! are they going to do anything this year or not!!?

  5. Obamacare was a secret health care bill without any public debate.

    The dumbocrats are full of %%%%

  6. "I guess 4:17 would prefer the alternative, which is the passing of a bill shrouded in secrecy."

    No, I mean ALL of them.

  7. Actually I agree with the democrats on this,lets not have any Nancy Pelosi crap get the damn bill out there so everyone can actually read it and debate it and if it's any good it'll pass. We don't want to replace one piece of crap with another piece of crap.

  8. I cancelled my family's health insurance or lose our house.. I was born a Democrat and now they took my kids insurance and don't seem to care. I will NEVER VOTE DEMOCRAT again.

  9. The democrats vowed to slow walk and obstruct at every turn. They have no interest in cooperating and are trying to salvage Obama's legacy even while Obamacare implodes. My feeling is they would sacrifice actually doing something constructive for the American people just to save some face. Screw them, let them sit on the sidelines and look like the fools they are.

  10. Schumer needs an enema. He sure is full of it.
    These babies need to grow up. They are only hurting the people they are supposed to be helping. Elections are coming folks.


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