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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Breaking News: One of Iraq's most famous landmarks, a mosque in Mosul, was destroyed

Iraq said ISIS did it, but the militants blamed a U.S. airstrike

The mosque is where the Islamic State leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, ascended a pulpit in 2014 and declared a caliphate after his fighters took control of Mosul and swept through other areas of northern Iraq and Syria.


  1. ISIS or US Military or CIA or Mossad = all the same folks.

  2. Use mosques as military strongholds, get them blown up.

    Looks like they missed a spot.

  3. May as well be. 3 of them operate without restraint. The other ones are my heroes. You guess.

  4. Apparently ISIS is in the US destroying Confederate monuments.

  5. Yeah, his name is Jake Day, Wannabe Mayor of Salisbury, calling for the removal of the Historical marker of General Winder. Jake Day has the audacity to call General Winder a Criminal.

    Jake Day, General Winder was more man than you will ever be. General Winder was a real soldier, something you never were and never will be. General Winder fought in many battles unlike you, you damn PU$$Y who is afraid to go to battle or you would have done so already. PUSS!

  6. What a pair of Douche Bags!!

    Ricky Pollitt Retweeted

    DelmarvaNow!‏ @MyDelmarvaNow 5h5 hours ago

    Salisbury mayor joins calls for removal of Confederate historical marker

    A marker on Salisbury's courthouse lawn recognizes a Confederate general from Nanticoke who ran Andersonville prison


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