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Sunday, June 04, 2017

DC Challenge

Test your knowledge of the folks in DC .

This is a real noodle baker but try to think of a name. It might be interesting what we find.
Name one politician that you believe is absolutely honest and is in Washington DC to serve the People and not there for self-interest. 

  • Take this challenge seriously because we're trying to learn something.
  • You can't use Donald Trump. This has to be someone in Congress or the Senate ONLY.
  • No personal slams or ugly remarks just name the representative, party affiliation and which state he/she represents!
Have fun! 

Your favorite local Historian

PS: Don't worry if your name is the same as someone else's. It's okay if there's multiple entries of the same name! 


  1. Ron Paul for sure. but since no longer a current politician, I will say Rand Paul.

  2. Jim Jordan (R) Ohio

  3. Louie Gohmert R-TX

  4. Trey Gowdy Republican South Carolina

  5. Chuck Grassley (r) don't know his state

  6. Trey Gowdy, S C

  7. Two actually come to mind. I absolutely love Trey Gowdy, but the other may shock you... Ready for it? Joe Manchin, a DEMOCRAT from WV. Check him out. Honestly, his platform runs more conservative and Democrats have bashed him for crossing the political lines so often, but that is the kind of people we need - on BOTH sides.

  8. Gowedy from South Caroline

  9. I like Trey Gowdy and I saw the one about Joe Manchin. He actually went on Fox after the townhall with Hillary and said he knew the moment she bragged about putting the coal miners out of business his state just went purple - and it did. He was concerned and I believed he was sincere. Maybe he'll be a convert :)

  10. You guys are kidding yourselves.
    Look at ANY of their brib....uh, ...contributors list. then compare it to how your guy voted on issues important to those same "contributors".
    If it was not in the interests of the people they claim to represent, but instead, mostly in the interests of people who gave them the cash, well, there is the unvarnished, no-spin truth.
    Power corrupts. All the time. Every time.
    I know, I know. Not your guy. He's cool.
    Uh huh. That's the first time anyone said THAT.
    Keep cheering.

  11. the guy from Louisiana which i forget his name

  12. Rand Paul, Trey Gowdy

  13. Trey Gowdy, Mike Lee(?)

  14. Trey Gowdy, Rand Paul.

  15. Blogger Unknown said...
    the guy from Louisiana which i forget his name

    June 1, 2017 at 4:30 PM

    Clay Higgins


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