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Friday, June 16, 2017

Car dealership response to bum who rejected $10 an hr. as he makes more money panhandling goes viral

If you were homeless, living on the streets, and begging for money on a daily basis, would you jump at the chance to take a job? What if that job offered you well over minimum wage?

Now most of us are going to nod our heads vigorously, but apparently there are some people out there who think that the money they make panhandling is worth more than an honest paycheck and the dignity of being able to make your own way in the world and not having to rely on handouts from other people.

For Example...



  1. You cannot shame a person that has no shame.

  2. All kidding aside, I wouldn't want to work at a car dealership either.

    Has anyone see that total disgusting absurd commercial sherwood is running with the surfer dude. who every approved that ignorance should be fired.

  3. All begging needs to be outlawed.

  4. Has anyone seen that totally absurd commercial OC is running with the surfer dude lifeguard going on 5 years now???

    (snicker snicker)

  5. That bum is a frigging fool. Retail jobs around Smallsbury don't pay $10 an hour. What a moron.

  6. Have seen it in a church I attended here people showing up at the doors always for a handout (CASH ONLY) offer to buy them a sandwich no, pull weeds, do some light painting no just CASH PLEASE. I was behind a car they other day an old lady behind the wheel pulled over to give yes you got it (CASH) to some man standing at the corner of Eastern Shore Drive and Rt 13, there most every day. Offer him work refuses.

  7. plus he pays no taxes and is probably collecting other gov benefits also

  8. Only buy beggars food or non alcoholic drinks...never money. Had one bum refuse a water bottle because it wasn't cold enough.he wanted a dollar..told him too bad..I don't have a dollar.

  9. 2:07 PM ha ha ha, i dare you to compare the commercials! At least Rodney from OC shows some class. I bet u lunch you have yet to see sherwoods ignorance. Almost makes you like the holly kia commericals compared to that disaster.

  10. Look for a moment at the homeless. They live in a tent or with several others in one room. They have but the clothes on their backs and very little other. They may have children that would need to be placed in day care if they take a full time job. Now there is the drive back and forth to the job on days when the weather is too bad to hike there and back. The complications are many.

    I'm not defending the homeless.....What I am trying to say is that there are multiple reasons that some people don't work that you may not see. Some people can only hold it together for a couple of hours on a street corner begging because they don't have money for medication to keep them buttoned up for the whole day and could not get along with people all day. You wouldn't want them at your job.

    This country offers very little incentive for a person who is down and out to begin the long turn around to being a productive person without judging you every step of the way. I would rather beg for 2 hours on the street than be judged by people coming out of a church so holy that they cannot see anything but a bum. I don't contribute to bums on the street because I believe they need to get help for other reasons (some of which I have indicated and sometimes drugs)...but I do give to community organizations to help the homeless eat. But for the grace of GOD go I.

  11. 4:05, I was in the store when the "Homeless couple" drug addicts in Salisbury were buying their evening beer and he pulled out a two and a half to three inch roll of five dollar bills to pay for it, no one's. They live at Wood Creek, the Golf Community.

    They probably qualify for free healthcare through Medicaid and $600 in food stamps every month to buy the lobster with.

    I'm pretty sure their retirement account is pretty healthy.

    I feel so sorry for their friends, too, especially the "Beaten Wife" sign, LOL!

    It's time to stop feeding these pigs.


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