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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Breaking News: The Minnesota officer who fatally shot Philando Castile was acquitted of all charges

His girlfriend live-streamed the aftermath in 2016.

Had he been convicted, the officer, Jeronimo Yanez of the St. Anthony Police Department, would have faced up to 20 years in prison for second-degree manslaughter and endangering safety by discharging a firearm.


  1. Mr Albero

    I just came out to a local bar with my girfriends for a party and who is sitting across the street scoping out the restaurant but a state trooper in a black car Isnt this Intrapment ? and causing buissnesses $$$ tell him to go write grandma a ticket.

    1. why do you care? If people are drinking and driving STOP them. Save a life!!

    2. Cops are not supposed to do that, but they get away with it all the time. Blame the current DWI-mania that generate billions for the govt for that violation of your civil rights.

    3. 40 percent of all deaths in motor vehicle are alcohol related

    4. Jesus Christ, will you people please look up the definition of entrapment...

  2. Jury got to see ALL the evidence and quickly found him not guilty...

    1. Well then there must ve been a different video showed because the one I saw clearly shows the officer is wrong. Makes it bad for good, law abiding officers of the law.

    2. A jury disagrees with you and he also is a law abiding officer.

  3. 656, completely false statement.

  4. 647 - can't judge if you weren't in their shoes. Totally different being a Monday morning QB.

  5. " Anonymous said...

    Well then there must ve been a different video showed because the one I saw clearly shows the officer is wrong. Makes it bad for good, law abiding officers of the law.

    June 16, 2017 at 6:47 PM"

    What video? The video the girlfriend shot which was live streamed was immediately following the shooting.

  6. 656 police can park across the bar or in the bar parking lot if owner doesn't mind. Bottom line YOU just want to drink and drive. These days I WANT LAW ENFORCEMENT across from the place I'm eating or drinking.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Jury got to see ALL the evidence and quickly found him not guilty...

    June 16, 2017 at 5:30 PM

    They started on Monday and reached a verdict on Friday, and that is quick to you?

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    A jury disagrees with you and he also is a law abiding officer.

    June 16, 2017 at 9:07 PM

    Cops rarely get charged with a crime and get convicted even less.

    What video? The video the girlfriend shot which was live streamed was immediately following the shooting.

    June 16, 2017 at 9:29 PM

    Yes, the same one the prosecutor said no other reasonable police officer would have done what he did.

  8. "Yes, the same one the prosecutor said no other reasonable police officer would have done what he did.

    June 16, 2017 at 11:45 PM"

    Remember the jury makes a decision based only on evidence presented by witness testimony. What a prosecutor says is not evidence. If you followed the Baltimore 6 saga, the prosecutors said the same thing.

  9. Remember the jury makes a decision based only on evidence presented by witness testimony. What a prosecutor says is not evidence. If you followed the Baltimore 6 saga, the prosecutors said the same thing.

    June 17, 2017 at 6:22 AM

    Yeah, that's how it is supposed to work. But other things are in play as well. People don't want to convict cops because they know the cops won't always come when called after.

    How many times have we heard them say that and other things on this very blog? He may have been acquitted but that doesn't necessarily mean he is not guilty.

  10. All of the MAJOR Riots after police shooting the officers were found NOT Guilty. Jury looked,handled and heard ALL the evidence. Some took a week going over EVERYTHING. NOT GUILTILY was the common denominator.


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