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Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Why Did Hillary Clinton Lose To Trump? Here's Who She Blames

Hillary Clinton continues to try to spin her loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

Speaking at a Women for Women International event on Tuesday, Clinton claimed to take “personal responsibility” for losing to Trump, and then immediately proceeded to lay that responsibility at the feet of James Comey and “Russian WikiLeaks.”

“I take absolute personal responsibility. I was the candidatel I was the person who was on the ballot and I am very aware of the challenges, the problems, the shortfalls that we had. Again I will write all this out for you,” Clinton said, referencing her forthcoming book about the campaign. “But I will say this: I’ve been in a lot of campaigns and I’m very proud of the campaign we ran and I’m very proud of the staff and the volunteers and the people who were out there day after day.

And it wasn’t a perfect campaign. There is no such thing. But I was on the way to winning until the combination of Jim Comey’s letter on October 28 and Russia WikiLeaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me but got scared off,” she continued. “We overcame a lot in the campaign, we overcame a barrage of negativity, of false equivalency, but as Nate Silver…has concluded, if the election had been on October 27 I would be your president. But it wasn’t.”



  1. What she won't admit is she is too ugly to be President, she is not well liked, and no one can trust her!

  2. Not a word on her lying, and criminal use of a private email server, hidden in her closet.


  3. I don't know how even one person could vote for such a vile subject. I wouldn't vote for that specimen if it were in my family. The husband is in it for attention like their offspring. Bet that pair didn't cast their vote in that direction once in the booth. They had to have voted for President Trump because they wouldn't want to see the end of this great nation, that is if they are a smart as they think they are.

  4. The "dark side" has been vanquished, thank God! Trump and his administration are going to right the wrongs and truly make America great again. People will finally see the error of their ways in believing in a concept that has no good end. Read "Atlas Shrugged"...it will convince you that progressive liberalism is doomed to fail.

  5. She Blames Everyone BUT herself !!! Period
    Just like any other CRIMINAL !!!! it is Never their fault

  6. She Lucky she is not in Prison ..so she has NO room to dare
    complain....same goes for Bill ......and Obama......

  7. Best Election in USA History !!!
    She was Blindsided ...All so GREAT !!
    Her and her Demon-crats were certain and overconfident they
    would win and thought they had it in the bag......
    They thought they were Invincible and Untouchable !!!

    Like Trump said, he would have certainly Beat her in the
    Popular Vote too if he had focused on that / But / it is
    the Electoral College that gets you in, so he focused on it

    With all the DIRT on her She had NO chance to Win ...Period

  8. Just look at her arrogant self today
    Damn good thing she LOST or America would be Ruined !!
    She and her hubby were the WORST along with Obama to ever
    be in the White House or to ever have such power......

    That's their LEGACY !

  9. Her girlfriend Huma got the blame
    That fool sending stuff to her Hubby Classified !


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