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Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Fidget Spinner: What Is The Popular New ‘Toy’?

CBS Local– Admit it, you thought new “toys” would largely be based on emerging technology, such as the now-mainstream virtual reality. But there’s a new gadget on the block that’s all too simple, and to call it a toy would be to belie its educational benefits. Introducing, the fidget spinner

The fidget spinner is made of plastic, a three-pronged device, that, as you may have gathered from its name, spins. It’s meant to help kids (and adults) who fidget. It gives them something to do with their hands. Instead of clicking pens at annoying decibel levels, they can quietly occupy their fingers and keep their minds focused on the task at hand.



  1. They have been used for years to help autistic children focus on a task.

  2. Snowflake design.

  3. Then autism needs to be redefined 8:40 in accordance to varying degrees.I'm for overkill in everything.I believe that if every child who couldn't concentrate had focusing devices, multitudes of learning problems would be resolved.If I had only had these "toys" when I was a kid I might have done better in school.As it was I barely graduated.

  4. 9:02 really? Listen, I hate a snowflake too. But when you say stuff like that when it's something that's actually good it really makes you look like the idiots we claim snowflakes to be. Unfortunately not everything we as humans disagree with can be blamed on a snowflake. This is a good thing. stop hating everything in the world you might enjoy life a little.

    1. Ohh please when we where kids back in the day it was called being stupid lets be honest.

  5. The new Cabbage Patch toy craze !!!
    Dog poop may be next !!!

  6. If toys are this easy to make...we all can get Rich !!!
    a Frigg'in few bearings >> come on !!!

  7. just play with an old tire !!

  8. maybe some teachers need one !!

  9. Get one of these for County jail Warden !


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