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Monday, May 29, 2017

Why Democrats want you to forget the Confederacy

Have you noticed the movement to remove statues, memorials, flags and markers that commemorate the historical reality of the Confederacy in America?

Earlier this month, we saw another vivid example of this when New Orleans removed the last of three statues of Confederate heroes – Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and P.T. Beauregard.

It’s happening in dozens of states – not just Southern. Some of these monuments have been around for nearly 150 years.

What’s this new war on the Confederacy all about?

I have a theory. I don’t think it explains the phenomenon in its entirety. But I definitely think it’s part of the explanation for the scorched-earth policy against American history, the attempt to erase any historical vestige of the most costly war in our history.



  1. Criminal terrorists that committed treason...case closed.

  2. Oh, shit where do I start? From the Klan's creation to the slave ownership the Democrats fought so hard to preserve. They have been a blight on America since right after Jefferson, the last good Democrat. He wouldn't even take to the current Democrats because they seek everything he sought so hard to create for us to enjoy. We are fools for ever giving this fodder any thought or credence. Some of us are still wallowing in the cesspool of fake news and misinformation. Pity. They are in for some very tough times.,, of their own making of course.

  3. Demon-crats were Pro-Slavery and were/are the KKK !! Dugh

  4. The Blacks should fight to Remove Demon-crats from office
    instead of removing statues of the Demon-crat's ancestors !

  5. There is a civil war coming and it will be here before you know it. It's going to be a war of blacks and whites. It's just a matter of time and I am locked and loaded.

  6. Maryland should follow this state, but I am afraid it won't happen because Larry Hogan is a RINO. Look what he did with the Sons of Confederate Veteran's vanity tags. He recalled them just because Dylan Roof had a picture of a small battle flag on his facebook page. Seriously? Larry Hogan is that stupid to think that a battle flag killed 9 people in a church?

    Alabama Makes It Illegal to Remove Confederate Monuments

    by RYAN SAAVEDRA27 May 2017
    Montgomery, AL

    The new law attempts to preserve history by making it illegal to remove monuments that have been in place for more than 40 years.
    The Alabama Memorial Preservation Act of 2017, signed into law Wednesday by Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (R), protects historical Confederate monuments which have come under fire in recent weeks by Democratic politicians.

    The new legislation prohibits:

    The relocation, removal, alteration, renaming, or other disturbance of any architecturally significant building, memorial building, memorial street, or monument located on public property which has been in place for 40 or more years.

    State Sen. Gerald Allen (R-Tuscaloosa), who proposed the bill, noted protecting monuments is about preserving history for future generations to learn from, the Huffington Post reported.

    “I appreciate Gov. Ivey standing up for the thoughtful preservation of Alabama’s history,” Allen said. “Contrary to what its detractors say, the Memorial Preservation Act is intended to preserve all of Alabama’s history ― the good and the bad ― so our children and grandchildren can learn from the past to create a better future.”

    Last week, New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu (D) had the famous Civil War era monument of Robert E. Lee removed from its place at the center of the city’s most famous traffic circle – it had been in place for more than a century, Breitbart Texas reported.

    “It is self-evident that these men did not fight for the United States of America. They fought against it. They may have been warriors, but in this cause, they were not patriots.” Landrieu said. “These monuments celebrate a fictional, sanitized Confederacy.”

    On February 6, the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, also voted to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee that had stood in the city park for nearly a century, Breitbart reported.

    The decision to erase history from the city sparked outrage as people gathered and protested peacefully for several weeks. Eventually, two organizations and 11 local citizens came together and filed a lawsuit against the City of Charlottesville to stop the removal of historical Confederate monuments.

    Other states have already taken steps to preserve historical monuments from those who would seek to rewrite history.

    In Mississippi, “no statue, monument, memorial, or landmark from any war can be removed from a public property unless it’s being moved to another approved location or if it blocks drivers from seeing,” WLBT reported.

    In 2016, eBay announced they would “prohibit the sale” of Confederate flags following the June 17 attack on Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church by crazed gunman Dylann Roof. Confederate flags were reportedly “selling like crack” after the announcement.

    Ryan Saavedra is a contributor for Breitbart Texas and can be found on Twitter at @RealSaavedra.

  7. The same people who say that black people need to "get over" slavery, that it was in the past and not relevant today sure do cling to the civil war monuments.

  8. White genocide is why this is happening. White guilt by calling Confederated heroes "White Supremacists then demoralizing descendants until the Democrats Divide and Conquer.

  9. The
    Nazis and ISIS did and do the same thing
    Wipe out History as if it never happened
    We are no better than they were or are.
    Yes this country is heading for collapse or civil war however you want to say it.

    I fear for my children and grandchildren.
    who knows what the future holds and they will never know the past.

  10. Riiggghhht. Democrats want to remove the monuments because they are worried that people will associate their party with the south... and NOT because these monuments represent institutionalized slavery and racism.

    I mean.. that would sound as absurd as postulating that people who want to leave these monuments up are secretly bigoted in nature and want to leave them up to make them feel good about the place that racist hate is coming from.

    That would just be silly now wouldn't it?

    1. If you're attempting sarcasm you are failing at it miserably.

  11. They can take it down, but it won't go away. I am certain there will be private land owners who will make sure none of this is forgotten. I predict a confederate Civil War Museum will be built all over the south.

    Another Civil War is coming, and I think we are in beginning of another one now.


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