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Monday, May 29, 2017

Traffic Backed Up to 50 and 301 Split.....Westbound.


  1. Glad I live in ocean pines....

  2. When I vacation I like to get away from people.

  3. Best view from the bay on Sundays (or the Monday holiday's) - breaklights heading WEST! Thank you for your patronage (tax revenue that helps my taxes stay medium), misbehaving, more than likely your trash - now go the EFF home where you belong!!!!

    Less than 4 months and MY City will be back! Sept is just around the corner. Next up - JUNE BUGS!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. State Highway always does construction around holidays and in the summer....worst yet, the inbreds place red lights on a HIGHWAY instead of closing cross overs..... Rt 50 is not designed for this type of Traffic flow.... what a joke inbreds from State Highway are ....Maybe they were born on Tangier where there is allot of incest?

    1. My grandmother came from Tangier. You don't know shit. You seem to have some issue with calling everyone inbred, like maybe you are inbred. Congratulations on a fine job, showing what a huge asshole you are.

  5. Blogger Zorro said...
    State Highway always does construction around holidays and in the summer....worst yet, the inbreds place red lights on a HIGHWAY instead of closing cross overs..... Rt 50 is not designed for this type of Traffic flow.... what a joke inbreds from State Highway are ....Maybe they were born on Tangier where there is allot of incest?

    May 29, 2017 at 7:49 PM

    There are red lights because miserable people like yourself cannot cross a highway without someone holding their hand

  6. Zorro they can't pave roads in the wintertime. As far as "inbreds" the decisions and planning for the roads are all done across the bridge. I do have to agree they need flyovers to close down the intersections on Route 50 or at least make a square crossing. Seems like most of the crossings are at an angle which can limit the visibility from the side window in some vehicles.

  7. Holding the phone to your left ear with your right hand does tend to limit your sight lines.

  8. Came through eastbound (Rte 50) Sunday evening around 10:00 PM; piece of cake, very light traffic on the bridge and only the rain to contend with.

  9. The state has convinced everybody to leave early to beat the crowds. All that does is keep the flock together. Glad they went home though.

  10. June Bugs next....need to find some good insecticide for this years deterrence!!!! HAHAHAHAHA


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